Sample: Sample No. 75AR23
Locality: Field No. 75AR23
Description: Limestone in type area of the Port Refugio Formation, Suemez Island. 300-400' SW of 64ACn1233, in the intertidal zone on a small point opposite and west of the main island in Port Refugio (see attached xerox of Rodger's field notebook pages.
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Craig B-4
Lat.: 55o17' " Long.: 133o20' "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1977 (04/12)
Correspondence associated with this report by Mike Churkin (dated June 3, 1977) indicates that the collection was made by Bruce Rodgers on September 9, 1975 from limestone in the type area of Port Refugio Formation. Associated with the spines are branched and straight fragment of vascular plant, some small brachiopods, and abundant crinoid columnals
Report by: David H. Dunkle
Referred by: Michael Churkin , Jr.
Age: Middle Devonian-Permian
Formation: Port Refugio Formation
Comment:This collection has been under chemical preparation by the Vertebrate Paleo. staff of the Cleveland Museum. An apparent high magnesium content of the matrix has made the process exceedingly slow. The results--incomplete to date--are, however, very interesting and have yielded an abundant material of shark (Chondrichthyes) remains.
The teeth were originally considered by Mike Williams (Cleveland) and me to pertain to the genus Pristicladodus - a Mississippian form. But with the present availability of numerous other examples, I concur with Mike that the majority would be better referred to the form genus Phoebodus which ranges from the early Middle Devonian into the Permian.
Mike and I do not think the associated symmetrical (dorsal) fin spines are described in the literature although the major characteristics of the elements have a stratigraphical range roughly corresponding to that of the tooth type.
Preparation and study is continuing and possibly will lead to a more definitive conclusion.
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Vertebrates Phoebodus