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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: ?Mississippian
Kinds of fossils: Plant
Quadrangle or area: Demarcation Pt. and Mt. Michelson Quads.
Shipment No.: A-64-2D
Referred by: Reiser, H. N.
Report prepared by: Mamay, Sergius H.
Date: 04/24/1969

The two collections in this shipment are inadequate for anything more than a tentative guess as to relative ages, because of sparse material and generally very poor preservation.

User Note module to be added
68ARr37 , Mt Michelson , (Nanook Creek, Shublik Mtns., lat. 69 deg. 30'40", long. 145 deg. 49'40", Mt. Michelson Quad.)
two specimens, each containing coarseley striate axes
68ARr23 , Demarcation Point , (Ekaksrak River, lat. 69 deg. 29'00", long. 142 deg. 47'28", Demarcation Pt. Quad.)
hollow molds of plant material, none of which is identifiable
few striate axes
few casts of lycopsid stems, identifiable with the genus Lepidodendropsis