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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Silurian-Devonian
Kinds of fossils: Plants
Quadrangle or area: Juneau D-6
Shipment No.: A-58-5
Referred by: Lathram, E. H.
Report prepared by: Mamay, Sergius H.
Date: 08/06/1958

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Graps [note by R.B. Blodgett, these turned out to be plants, note graptolites!] occur in very fine grained homogeneous black argillite interbedded with siliceous argillite, graywacke, tuff, thinly bedded black, minor gray and rare lite green chert, conglomerate and some flows. Near William Henry Bay similar rocks were thought to lie conformably on rocks containing Permian fusulinids. At Endicott River the sequence is underlain by a thick limestone lithologically similar to Dev limestones of Boat Harbor. Structure is broadly apparently open, but complex, in detail with minor thrusting, and common overturned drag folds. Structure, and stratigraphic assignment of rocks in a large area are affected if a major thrust is involved, and the Permian section greatly reduced.

User Note module to be added
58AL88 , Juneau , [Transmittal sheet of E.H. Lathram, dated May 1, 1959 provides following: "Additional collection to that transmitted in shipment A-58-5, reported on by Mamay 8/6/58."]
psilophytalean plants