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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Cretaceous-Paleocene
Kinds of fossils: Plants
Quadrangle or area: , northern Alaska
Shipment No.: A-53-14
Referred by: Detterman, Robert L.
Report prepared by: Brown, Roland W.
Date: 10/22/1953

All but the specimen from Loc. 53 ADt-79 represent species identified by Hollick in the Upper Cretaceous of Alaska. The specimen from Loc. 53 ADt-79 represents a Tertiary fern, which is abundant in the Paleocene of the United States and Canada. If the zone in which your specimen was found is really "Middle C" - that is - in the Upper Cretaceous sequence, then this fern has a longer stratigraphic range than has thus far been recorded. How about your stratigraphy?

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Identification of fossils needed by November 1.

User Note module to be added
53ADt40 , Killik River , D-23. On Killik [spelled Killick in E&R report] River. (description from Brown E&R report of Oct. 22, 1953; Shipment A-53-14); however, transmittal sheet of Detterman (Sept. 30, 1953) provides following: "Sample No. 53ADt40. Station No. D-23. Location: 68 deg. 49'30"N., 153 deg. 25'W. NW1/4 of SW1/4, Killik R. Formation: Nanushuk Zone C, Chandler, Killik tongue. Position: Lower. Lithology: Heavy bedded sandstone Siltstone interbeds."
Coniferous wood
53ADt53 , Killik River , D-34. On Killik [spelled Killick in E&R report] River. (description from Brown E&R report of Oct. 22, 1953; Shipment A-53-14); however, transmittal sheet of Detterman (Sept. 30, 1953) provides following: "Sample No. 53ADt53 Station No. D-34 Location: 68 deg. 53'N., 153 deg. 26'W. NW1/4 of SW1/4, Killik R. Formation: Chandler, Killik tongue. Position: C-D contact Lithology: Heavy bedded sandstone Siltstone-siltshale interbeds."
Unidentifiable casts of stems
53ADt56 , Killik River , D-36. On Killik [spelled Killick in E&R report] River. (description from Brown E&R report of Oct. 22, 1953; Shipment A-53-14); however, transmittal sheet of Detterman (Sept. 30, 1953) provides following: "Sample No. 53ADt56 Station No. D-36 Location: 68 deg. 53'30"N., 153 deg. 26'30"W. NW1/4 of SW1/4, Killik R. Formation: Chandler, Killik tongue Positon: Middle D Lithology: Sandstone, siltstone, and siltshale."
Podozamites lanceolatus (Lindley & Hutton) Braun
Cephalotaxopsis intermedia Hollick
53ADt65 (Mesozoic loc. 24617) , Ikpikpuk River , R.L. Detterman, 1953. Colville River. Lat 69 deg. 03'30" N., long 154 deg. 14' W. Chandler formation, Killik tongue, lower part, 2,000 feet below top. Albian. (description from Imlay, 1961, USGS Prof. Pap. 335, p. 25) [Brown E&R report of Oct. 22, 1953 (Shipment A-53-14) provides following description: "D-42. On Colville River."; however, transmittal sheet of Detterman (Sept. 30, 1953) provides following: "Sample No. 53ADt65 Station No. D-42 Location: 69 deg. 03'30"N., 154 deg. 14'W. 684, SE1/4 of NE1/4, Colville River Formation: Chandler, Killik tongue Positon: Lower D Lithology: Sandstone, siltstone, siltshale, coal."]
Anemia supercretacea conformis Hollick
53ADt70 , Ikpikpuk River , D-43. On Colville River. (description from Brown E&R report of Oct. 22, 1953; Shipment A-53-14); however, transmittal sheet of Detterman (Sept. 30, 1953) provides following: "Sample No. 53ADt70 Station No. D-43 Location: 69 deg. 02'N., 154 deg. 08'W., 684 SE1/4 of NE1/4, Colville R. Formation: Chandler, Killik tongue. Positon: Upper-middle C Lithology: Sandstone, siltstone-siltshale, burned coal."
Nilssonia alaskana Hollick
53ADt79 , Killik River , D-53. On Colville River. (description from Brown E&R report of Oct. 22, 1953; Shipment A-53-14); however, transmittal sheet of Detterman (Sept. 30, 1953) provides following: "Sample No. 53ADt79 Station No. D-48 Location: 68 deg. 58'N., 153 deg. 59'W., 684 SE1/4 of NE1/4, Colville R. Formation: Chandler, Killik tongue Position: Middle C Lithology: Sandstone with interbeds of siltstone-siltshale, coal."
Dennstaedtia americana Knowlton
53ADt87 , Ikpikpuk River , D-52. On Colville River. (description from Brown E&R report of Oct. 22, 1953; Shipment A-53-14); however, transmittal sheet of Detterman (Sept. 30, 1953) provides following: "Sample No. 53ADt87 Station No. D-52 Location: 69 deg. 04'30"N, 153 deg. 41'30"W. SW1/4 of NW1/4, Colville R. Formation: Ninuluk Position: Middle E Lithology: Interbedded sandstone, siltstone, siltshale."
Coniferous wood
Anemia supercretacea conformis Hollick
Pseudoprotophyllum crassum Hollick