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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Cretaceous
Kinds of fossils: Plants
Quadrangle or area: the Kukpowruk and the Utokok River, Alaska
Shipment No.: None
Referred by: Foran, W. T.
Report prepared by: Hollick, Arthur
Date: 02/09/1924

Report on twenty collections (lot Nos. 7640-7654 and 7664-7668) of fossil plants from the Kukpowruk and the Utokok River, northern Alaska, collected by W. T. Foran for Sidney Paige in 1923.
A majority of these collections consist of a single piece of matrix each. Plant remains are included in most of them, but they are fragmentary and few are identifiable, even generically. Certain of the single specimens, however, if considered by themselves, would be regarded as almost certainly Jurassic; but at least one, and possibly two, of the collections undoubtedly represent Lower Cretaceous horizons. [The report covers the two Cretaceous collections. See Hnowlton's report for all 20 collections - NZ]

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FORANWT1923-23 (Mesozoic loc. 7650) , Barrow , Kukpowruk River 10 miles above mouth. Approximately same position as number 22 [i.e. 2000' stratigraphically above 10' bed of coal.]
Cladophlebis sp.
Gingko sp.
Fragmentary leaves of angiosperms
FORANWT1923-Station "Z" (Mesozoic loc. 7668) , Utukok River , On Utokok River 35 miles from mouth. Strata on Utokok River lies nearly horizontal, therefore all specimens collected on this river must be approximately in the same stratigraphic position.