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Report on Referred Fossils
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Shipment No.: A-53-25
Referred by: Grantz, Arthur
Report prepared by: Brown, Roland W.
Date: 11/11/1953

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53AGz18 , Anchorage , Basal sandstone member of Matanuska Formation
fragment of a fern, not identifiable
53AGz57B , Anchorage , Basal sandstone member of Matanuska Formation
Podozamites lanceolatus (Lindley & Hutton) Braun
Sagenopteris sp.
53AGz78B , Talkeetna Mts , From upper Cretaceous siltstone
Sequoia reichenbachi (Geinitz) Heer
fragments of dicotyledonous leaves
53AGz107 (Paleobot. loc. 10036) , Talkeetna Mts , From pyroclastic sediments interbedded with basic flows of middle or late Tertiary age
Osmunda doroschkiana Goeppert
Sequoia affinis Lesquereux
Glyptostrobus europaeus (Brongniart) Heer
Comptonia cuspidata Lesquereux
fragments of dicotyledonous leaves
53AGz110 (Paleobot. loc. 10037) , Talkeetna Mts , From pyroclastic sediments interbedded with basic flows of middle or late Tertiary age
Sequoia affinis Lesquereux
Comptonia cuspidata Lesquereux
53AGz126 (Paleobot. loc. 10038) , Anchorage , From continental sediments of early Tertiary age (Eocene? or Paleocene?)
Metasequoia occidentalis (Newberry) Chaney
Carya antiquorum Newberry
Corylus kenaiana Hollick
fragments of other dicotyledonous leaves
53AGz238B , Talkeetna Mts , From siltstone of Upper Cretaceous age
fragments of dicotyledonous leaves not specifically identifiable