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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Lower Cretaceous
Kinds of fossils: Plant
Quadrangle or area: Ruby Quad.
Shipment No.: A-77-19
Referred by: Chapman, Robert M.
Report prepared by: Mamay, Sergius H.
Date: 10/25/1977

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
The chiefly volcanic section from which this fern was collected is on the south side of the Koyukuk Basin and probably is in the basal part of the Lower Cretaceous. These rocks may be equivalent to an andesitic volcanic rocks unit of Neocomian age that is present about 48 km to the north.
The outcrop also is in close, but uncertain, relationship to rocks of the Permian Rampart Group, and the lithology is similar to that in parts of the Rampart Group.
Structural relationships of this isolated bluff are obscure. This section may conformably underlie Lower Cretaceous rocks to the north, or it may be of Permian age and be separated from the Cretaceous rocks by an unconformity or fault. Any age data would be very helpful. Map compilation is in progress.

User Note module to be added
77Ch-34C , Ruby , Bedrock bluff on south bank of Melozitna River, near the Yukon River, exposing basalt-andesite volcanics, volcaniclastics, and fn grain sedimentary rocks.
Cladophlebis sp.