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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Paleozoic
Kinds of fossils: Invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Mt. Michelson Quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-69-23
Referred by: Reiser, H. N.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 12/31/1969

User Note module to be added
69ARr38 (USGS 23421-PC) , Mt Michelson
Chonetina cf. C. superba Gobbett
Waagenoconcha sp.
Spiriferella? sp.
Licharewia sp.
69ARr54 (USGS 23422-PC) , Mt Michelson
partially silicified spiriferoid brachiopods
partially silicified productoid brachiopods
69ARr57 (USGS 23423-PC) , Mt Michelson , Central Shublik Mtns.
echinoderm debris, indet.
bryozoan debris, indet.
Michelinia? sp.
lithostrotionoid coral (Sociophyllum? sp.)
Inflatia sp.
productoid, indet.
Unispirifer sp.
Syringothyris? sp.
69ARr83 (USGS 23424-PC) , Mt Michelson , Kikiktat Mtn.
echinoderm debris, indet.
bryozoan debris, indet.
horn corals, undetermined
Leptagonia? sp.
Brachythyris? sp.
69ARr184 (USGS 23425-PC) , Mt Michelson , From south limb of west plunging nose of Sadlerochit Mtn. anticline.
echinoderm debris, indet.
platycrinitid calys, indet.
fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
Anthracospirifer sp.
69ARr185 , Mt Michelson , West end of Sadlerochit Mtn.
69ARr195 , Mt Michelson
Several small sub-spherical stromatolites