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Stratigraphic range: Permian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, clams, crinoid columnals, bryozoans
Quadrangle or area: McCarthy C-8 quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-69-17
Referred by: MacKevett, E. M., Jr.
Report prepared by: Grant, Richard E.
Date: 12/09/1969

Seven samples were submitted, but I can only offer help on two of them. Samples 34B-2 and 39B definitely are Permian, with the typical Arctic fauna that has been dated as mid Permian, latest Leonard or early Guadalupe (Word) in terminology of the southwestern U.S. Unfortunately, the others contain only fenestellid bryozoans and such indeterminata as crinoid columnals and possible plant fragments. Our Upper Paleozoic bryozoalogist is incapacitated at present, so I connot promise identifications of the fenestellids. We would like to retain Sample 39B in the permanent reference set (assigned USGS No. 23889-PC) and a cut of the rest of the collection for the bryozoans. The excess will be discarded after about a year, unless you want them returned. If all samples are from the supposedly Mississippian Strelna Formation, at least we can now say that some Permian is involved. The samples have three lithologies: a coarse grained limestone with some definitely Permian brachiopods, a greenish, cherty, fine grained limestone with fenestellids, and a gray fine grained limestone (36A-1) with fenestellids.

User Note module to be added
69AWk34B-2 , Mc Carthy
Horridonia sp.
Spiriferella sp.
Crinoid columnals
69AWk36A , Mc Carthy
Crinoid columnals
fenestellid bryozoans
69AWk36B-2 , Mc Carthy
Crinoid columnals
possible coral fragments
69AWk37A-1 , Mc Carthy
Crinoid columnals
fenestellid bryozoans
69AWk39B (23889-PC) , Mc Carthy
Camerisma sp.
Horridonia sp.
Kochiproductus sp.
Megousia? sp.
Neospirifer? sp.
Spiriferella cf. S. keilhavi (Buch)
Spiriferella cf. S. salteri (Tschernyschev)
Spiriferella cf. S. saranae (de Verneuil)
Straparolus (Euomphalus) cf. S. (E.) kaibabensis (Chronic)
69AWk64C-2 , Mc Carthy
fenestellid indeterminate
69AWk66A , Mc Carthy
possible plant fragments
a possible coral
fenestellid bryozoans
an indeterminate clam
indeterminate brachiopod fragments
a productid brachiopod impression
another impression of a rhynchonellid or productid brachiopod
some streched crinoid columnals