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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Mississippian & Permian(?)
Kinds of fossils: Marine invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Point Hope quad.
Shipment No.: A-61-1
Referred by: Campbell, Russell H.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr. , Duncan, Helen
Date: 01/29/1962

This report concerns 7 collections from the lower Kukpuk Valley. Two of these are probably not Mississippian in age. Collection 60ACr105, the stratigraphic position of which was listed as not well established, contains corals of Devonian aspect according to Miss Duncan. The fossils have been given to W.A. Oliver, Jr. for examination.

Collection 60ACr130, composed of several very small horn corals, probably represents the Siksikpuk formation. Both genera identified by Helen Duncan are reported elsewhere from the Siksikpuk and Tachylasma is not known from pre-Permian rocks.

Of the remaining 5 collections, one contains essentially coralline and bryozoan material (60ACr78) like that found low in the Alapah and its equivalents. This would suggest a correlation with the lower part of unit Ml3.

The other collections contain elements of what appears to be a single fossil assemblage, composed predominantly of brachiopods, with abundant Leiorhynchus. This is a facies fauna that occurs in the "Culm" lithology nearly everywhere it is present. In relation to the measured section, these fossils could represent either the lower part of Ml3 or Ml1. It is quite possible that a shaly facies represents the entire Ml1 - lower Ml3 interval in other parts of the Lisburne peninsula.

On the other hand, because there are apparently Devonian and Permian rocks in the same general area, structural complications may have made the identification and distinction among shaly units very difficult.

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
The only specimen not well established as from this pre-Lisburne unit is 60ACr-105 which comes from a small isolated outcrop along the lower Kukpuk where the bedrock is generally covered. It may be Lisburne and assignment is critical. It is submitted in hopes that the fauna will be distinctively Lisburne or pre-Lisburne.

User Note module to be added
60ACr105f , Point Hope , Lat. 68 deg. 24.0' N; Long. 165 deg. 56.2' W; Coords. (13.2; 7.3) (Coordinates from Point Hope 1:250,000 quad., ed. 1952.)(description from Oliver E&R report of 2/1/62; Shipment A-61-1)
rugose corals, undet.
macerated plant fragments, indet.
60ACr78f (20211-PC) , Point Hope , Lat. 68 deg. 12.6' N., Long. 165 dg. 57.5' W. Coordinates: (13.2) (3.95) (Coordinates refer to Point Hope 1:250,000 quad., ed. 1952)
echinoderm debris, indet.
Zaphriphyllum? sp.
Siphonodendron sp.
Fenestella sp.
60ACr129f (20212-PC) , Point Hope , Lat. 68 deg. 19.1' N., Long. 165 deg. 56.9' W. Coordinates: (13.2) (7.3) (Coordinates refer to Point Hope 1:250,000 quad., ed. 1952)
Leiorhynchus cf. L. carboniferum Girty (abundant)
60ACr130f (20213-PC) , Point Hope , Siksikpuk Formation, undetermined horizon; exposures along west bank of Ipewik River about 1 mile north of its confluence with the Kukpuk River; lat. 68 deg. 23' N., Long. 165 deg. 44' W., Point Hope B-2 quad. Collector: R.H. Campbell, 1960. (description from Rowett, 1975, USGS Prof. Paper 823-D, p. 64) [Request for examination of fossils sheet submitted by R.H. Campbell, dated Dec. 7, 1960 provides different lat/long. data: "68 deg. 19.1 N., Long. 165 deg. 58.2' W. Coordinates (13.1) (5.8) (Coordinates refer to Point Hope 1:250,000 quad., ed. 1952)]
possibly Sochkineophyllum sp.
possibly Tachylasma sp.
60ACr132f (20214-PC) , Point Hope , Lat. 68 deg. 18.8' N., Long. 165 deg. 58.2' W. Coordinates: (13.1) (5.7) (Coordinates refer to Point Hope 1:250,000 quad., ed. 1952)
Leiorhynchus cf. L. carboniferum Girty
60ACr132Af (20215-PC) , Point Hope , Lat. 68 deg. 18.8' N., Long. 165 deg. 58.2' W. Coordinates: (13.1) (5.7) (Coordinates refer to Point Hope 1:250,000 quad., ed. 1952)
echinoderm debris, indet.
orbiculoidoid brachiopod, indet.
Orthotetes? sp.
Spirifer aff. S. arkansanus Girty
60ACr134f (20216-PC) , Point Hope , Lat. 68 deg. 18.3' N., Long. 165 deg. 59.3' W. Coordinates: (12.95) (5.6) (Coordinates refer to Point Hope 1:250,000 quad., ed. 1952)
echinoderm debris, indet.
horn corals, indet. (too fragmentary for identification)
fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
bryozoan fragments, indet.
orthotetid fragment, indet.
Chonetes aff. C. oklahomensis Snider
productoid fragments, indet.
Spirifer aff. S. arkansanus Girty
camarotoechid brachiopod, indet.
Punctospirifer? sp.