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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Devonian
Kinds of fossils: Marine invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Beaver Quad.
Shipment No.: A-72-11
Referred by: Brosge, William P.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 01/24/1973

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Brachiopods, crinoids and snails occur in ferruginous sandstone and ferruginous shaly limestone that are probably the oldest unmetamorphosed rocks in the quad. Devonian(?) limestones (see collection Be21, Request A) 1/2 mile downstream on same creek are recrystallized. Statigraphic position of rocks of Be22 is uncertain because of poor exposures, but it is probably above the phyllite and subgraywacke units that are marginal to the schists, and may therefore set a limit to the age of the phyllite.

User Note module to be added
72ABe22 (9066-SD) , Beaver , Beaver quad.; 66 degrees 40 min. N., 148 degrees 47 min. W. Collector: W.P. Brosge, 1972.
echinoderm debris, indet.
strophomenoid brachiopod, indet.
productoid brachiopod, indet.
rhynchonelloid brachiopod, indet.
Cyrtospirifer sp.
spiriferoid brachiopods, indet.
pelecypods, perhaps a praecardiacean
gastropods, indet.