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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Devonian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods
Quadrangle or area: Baird Mtns. C-6
Shipment No.: A-72-9
Referred by: Tailleur, Irv L.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 06/27/1972

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25900-9 , Baird Mts , Baird Mtns. C-6 quad.; sec. 18, T. 28 N., R. 14 W.; Eli Fm.; collector: Lamphsire, Standard Oil Calif., 1972.
indeterminate echinodermal debris
rounded objects that are completely unidentifiable
25900-10 , Baird Mts , Baird Mtns. C-6 quad.; sec. 18, T. 28 N., R. 14 W.; Eli Fm.; collector: Lamphsire, Standard Oil Calif., 1972.
large rhynchonelloid brachiopod that is almost certainly Gastrodetoechia
indeterminate echinodermal debris
rounded objects that are completely unidentifiable
25900-11 , Baird Mts , Baird Mtns. C-6 quad.; sec. 18, T. 28 N., R. 14 W.; Eli Fm.; collector: Lamphsire, Standard Oil Calif., 1972.
large rhynchonellid brachiopod that is almost certainly Gastrodetoechia
indeterminate echinodermal debris
rounded objects that are completely unidentifiable