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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Lower Mississippian? and Upper Devonian?
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, horn corals
Quadrangle or area: Survey Pass Quadrangle, Northern Ak
Shipment No.: A-78-26
Referred by: Grybeck, Donald
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 03/01/1979

This report covers three collections, two from rocks west of Doc Creek and a third from the Plateau Mtn. area. The first two collections do not really contain diagnostic fossils, but, by comparing them with collections made nearby in 1978, they are likely Early Mississippian. The third collection also has no diagnostic fossils, but is lithologically similar to nearby rocks which have yielded Late Devonian (Frasnian) fossils.

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78ADG-143A , Survey Pass , Alaska, Survey Pass quad., T. 29 N., R. 18 E., 67 deg. 55 min. 47 sec. N., 154 deg. 39 min. 02 sec. W.; orange-weathering limestone interbeds in brownish to gray weathering siltstone and shale. Collector: D. Grybeck, 1978.
indet. echinoderm debris
undet. rhynchonelloids
78ADG-140A , Survey Pass , Alaska, Survey Pass quad., T. 29 N., R. 18 E., 67 deg. 54 min. 48 sec. N., 154 deg. 39 min. W.; lithology like 143A. Collector: D. Grybeck, 1978.
Spirifer sp.
78ADG-158A , Survey Pass , Alaska, Survey Pass quad.; T. 28 N., R. 24 E., 67 deg. 49 min. 04 sec. N., 153 deg. 28 min. 33 sec. W.; float from just below prominent ledge of orange-weathering limestone, about 0.8 km NW of Plateau Mtn. Collector: D. Grybeck, 1978.
indet. echinoderm debris
fragmentary samll horn corals