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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper? Devonian; Lower Mississippian?
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, corals
Quadrangle or area: Survey Pass and Howard Pass quads., Northern AK
Shipment No.: A-78-29
Referred by: Nelson, Steven W.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 03/01/1979

This shipment includes five collections, three of which are probably Late Devonian (Frasnian); a single collection is probably Early Mississippian (78ANs-182A); and the fifth collection (78ANs-217A) contains no fossils.

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78AMm-035C , Howard Pass , Alaska, Howard Pass B-5 quad., T. 34 N., R. 2 E.; 68 deg. 21 min. N., 158 deg. 20 min. W.; limestone lenses and pods in basalt, containing rare megafossils. Collector: M. Mullen, 1978. (description from Dutro E&R report of 3/1/1979) [Dover et al., 2004, p. 69 (Table 4) provides following description: "Howard Pass B-4. Lat. 68 deg. 20' N., Long. 158 deg. 19'23" W. Collected from limestone within Copter Peak basalt unit of Siniktanneyak mafic complex."][No description given in Nelson and Nelson, 1982; shown as locality 11 of map (Table 1)]
Thamnopora? sp.
Atrypa? sp.
78AMH-194A , Howard Pass , Alaska, Howard Pass B-5 quad., T. 34 N., R. 2 E.; 68 deg. 21 min. N., 158 deg. 16 min. W; 8 km NNE of inlet to Feniak Lake; interbedded black shale and brown-weathering fossiliferous limestone. Collector: Marti M. Hoare, 1978. (description from Dutro E&R report of 03/01/1979)[Dover et al., 2004, p. 69 (Table 4) provides following description: "Howard Pass B-4. Lat. 68 deg. 19'44" N., Long. 158 deg. 16'16" W.".* (*latitude/longitude herein corrected from previously published version)][No description given in Nelson and Nelson, 1982; shown as locality 10 of map (Table 1)]
echinoderm debris
sponge-like object
78ANs-135B , Howard Pass , Alaska, Howard Pass B-5 quad.; T. 34 N., R. 2 E.; 68 deg. 19 min. N., 158 deg. 20 min. W.; 6 km N of inlet to Feniak Lake; purple weathering, laminated, weakly calcareous siltstone interbedded with orange-weathering fossiliferous limestone. Collector: S.W. Nelson, 1978. (description from Dutro E&R report of 3/01/1979)[Dover et al., 2004, p. 69 (Table 4) provides following description: "Howard Pass B-4. Lat. 68 deg. 18'58" N., Long. 158 deg. 18'58" W."][No description given in Nelson and Nelson, 1982; shown as locality 13 of map (Table 1)]
echinoderm debris
horn corals
brachiopod fragments
steinkerns of gastropods
78ANS182A (27433-PC) , Survey Pass , Alaska, Survey Pass D-6 quad.; T. 30 N., R. 14 E.; 67 deg. 57 min. 30 sec. N., 155 deg. 42 min. W.; 17 km NNE of Papik Mtn.; approx. 50 m thick section of greenish gray shale and siltstone with orange-weathering fossiliferous limestone and calcareous siltstone. Collector: S. W. Nelson, 1978. (description from Dutro E&R report of 3/1/79) [Harris E&R report of 2/2/79 provides following description: 8 km 252 deg. from Nigu River, [Survey Pass] D6, 3800 ft., T. 30 N., R. 14 E., (lat. 67 deg. 57 min. 30 sec., long. 155 deg. 11 min. 30 sec.).] - NOTE DISCREPANCY GIVEN FOR LONG. IN THESE TWO REPORTS!!!
echinoderm debris, indet.
fenestrate bryozoans, indet. (molds)
Schuchertella? sp.
rhynchonelloid brachiopods, indet.
Chonetes? sp.
78ANs-217A , Survey Pass , Alaska, Survey Pass C-6 quad.; T. 26 N., R. 15 E.; 67 deg. 37 min. 30 sec. N.; 155 deg. 34 min. 30 sec. W.; east side of Kugrak River valley, 4 km S. of west end of Lake Omelaktavik. Collector: S. W. Nelson, 1978.