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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Permian, Mississippian? and Devonian?
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, corals
Quadrangle or area: Healy B-5 quad.
Shipment No.: A-78-37
Referred by: Silberling, Norman J. , Berg, Henry C.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 11/16/1978

This report covers six limestone and chert cobbbles from a conglomerate that has been mapped together with Pennsylvanian-Permian clastic and volcanic rocks by the Univ. of Wisconsin group (C. Craddock, et al).

Four of the six blocks contain Permian fossils; one is possibly Mississippian and the sixth is probably Devonian. The Permian blocks are about the same age as the upper part of the Eagle Creek Formation in the Mt. Hayes quadrangle. Consequently, the conglomerate is younger than mid-Permian and cannot be equivalent to the Pennsylvanian-Permian(?) conglomerates at Mt. Dall.

User Note module to be added
78-S-412 (27360-PC) , Healy , Alaska, Mt. McKinley National Park, Healy B-5 quad.; C NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 30, T. 16 N., R. 8 W.; southeasternmost headwaters of the Sanctuary River; fossils in limestone and silicified limestone clasts in a conglomerate of unknown age. Collector: N.J. Silberling, 1978.
Spiriferella sp. (large) - Block A
Kutorginella? sp. - Block A
Anemonaria? sp. - Block A
echinoderm debris - Block A
Kuvelousia sp. - Block B
"Cleiothyridina" cf. "C." royssiana (Keyserling) - Block B
Spiriferella? sp. - Block B
Kuvelousia sp. - Block C
Kuvelousia? sp. - Block D
lithostrotionoid coral - Block E
thamnoporoid corals - Block F
Alveolites? sp. - Block F