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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Carboniferous-Permian(?)
Kinds of fossils: Invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Coleen and Table Mtn. Quads., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-67-14
Referred by: Brosge, William P.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 04/11/1972

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67ARR310 (23488-PC) , Table Mtn , Table Mtn. quad., 68 deg. 06 3/4' N., 142 deg. 33 1/2' W.; Kayak? Fm., red bioclastic limestone in black shale. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
platycrinitid columnals, indet.
Fenestella spp. (abunndant)
Ptylopora sp.
Cystodictya? sp.
linoproductoid fragment, indet.
rhynchonelloid, indet.
Torynifer? sp.
67ABe319 (23271-PC) , Table Mtn , Table Mtn. Quad., Alaska. 68 deg. 06 1/4' N., 141 deg. 24' W. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
67ABe80C , Coleen , Coleen quad. 67 deg. 50' N., 143 deg. 06 1/4' W. Bryozoan from ostracode(?), brachiopod, bryozoan limestone between black shaly limestone and calcareous sandstone. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
fenestrate bryozoan fragments
ostracod, indet.
67ABe80B , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 50' N., 143 deg. 06 1/4' W. Ostracodes(?), brachiopod fragments, bryozoans and spines(?) from limestone between black shaly siltstone and fine calcareous sandstone. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
brachiopod scraps, indet.
productoid spines
67ABe87 , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 56' N., 143 deg. 27 1/4' W.; ostracodes(?), brachiopods, bryozoans and spines(?) from cherty limestone in contact with calcareous sandstone. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
brachiopod scraps
productoid spines
fenestellid fragments
67ABe172 , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 42 N., 142 deg. 33' W. Brachiopods collected by J. E. Owens probably from Procrastination Creek, maybe from Pass Creek.
Rugosochonetes? sp.
67ABe301 , Table Mtn , Table Mtn. quad., 68 deg. 00 1/2' N., 141 deg. 10' W. Brachiopods and bryozoans from gray limestone, sandy limestone and chert. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
fenestrate bryozoan debris, indet.
productoids, indet.
67ABe132 , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 43 3/4' N., 142 deg. 42 1/2' W. Brachiopod in float of grey limestone mixed with gray sandy limestone. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
productoid, indet.
67ARR309 (23489-PC) , Table Mtn , Table Mtn. quad., 68 deg. 04 1/2' N., 142 deg. 35 1/2' W. Brachiopods and snails from lithographic limestone. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
phaceloid lithostrotionoid coral, undet.
Anthracospirifer sp.
loxonematid gastropod mold, indet.
straparollid fragment, indet.
67ARR293 (23490-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 53 3/4' N., 142 deg. 41' W. Brachiopods and clams from bioclastic limestone interbedded with brown weathering fine limestone. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
ramose bryozoans, indet.
orthotetid brachiopod, indet.
Linoproductus? sp.
dictyoclostid, indet.
Spirifer sp. (large, true Spirifer)
Actinoconchus? sp.
Torynifer? sp.
Dimegelasma? sp.
terebratuloid, indet.
pelecypod fragments, indet.
pectenoid pelecypods, indet.