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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Carb.-Permian; Triassic(?)
Kinds of fossils: Invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Table Mtn. and Coleen quads., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-67-14
Referred by: Brosge, William P.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 04/18/1972

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67ARR 642 , Table Mtn , Table Mtn. quad., 68 deg. 17' N., 141 deg. 32' W. Red-weathering limy siltstone. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
Monotis? sp.
terebratuloid fragment
67ABe80B , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 50' N., 143 deg. 06 1/4' W. Ostracodes(?), brachiopod fragments, bryozoans and spines(?) from limestone between black shaly siltstone and fine calcareous sandstone. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
brachiopod fragments, indet.
productoid spines
bryozoan fragments, indet.
67ABe 297B , Table Mtn , Table Mtn. quad., 68 deg. 00' N., 141 deg. 21 1/4' W. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
linoproductoid fragment
67ARR 207 , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 52 1/2' N., 143 deg. 07 1/4' W. Collector: H.N. Reiser, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
fenestrate bryozoan fragments, indet.
brachiopod fragments, indet.
productoid spines
67ABe87 , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 56' N., 143 deg. 27 1/4' W.; ostracodes(?), brachiopods, bryozoans and spines(?) from cherty limestone in contact with calcareous sandstone. Collector: W. P. Brosge, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
bryozoan fragments
Plicochonetes? sp.
67ARR 308 (23493-PC) , Table Mtn , Table Mtn. quad., 68 deg. 03' N., 142 deg. 39' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
echinoderm debris, indet.
ramose bryozoan, undet.
Schizophoria sp. (large)
Inflatia sp.
productoid, indet.
Spirifer sp. (large)
Brachythyris? sp.
Composita sp.
Cleiothyridina? sp.
67ARR 294 (23494-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 57 1/2' N., 142 deg. 41 1/2' N. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
Moorefieldella? sp.
Avonia? sp.
Flexaria? sp.
67ARR 547 (23495-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 10 1/4' N., 141 deg. 01' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
fenestrate bryozoan, indet.
Cancrinella sp.
Kutorginella? sp.
Kochiproductus sp.
Yakovlevia sp.
productoid, indet.
pectenoid pelecypod, indet.
67ARR 414 , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 10 1/4' N., 141 deg. 23 3/4' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
indet. productid
67ARR 555 (23496-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 52 1/2' N., 142 deg. 41 1/2' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
Derbyia? sp.
67ARR 544 (23497-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 10' N., 141 deg. 19' W. Collector: H. N. Reieser, 1967.
Lissochonetes sp.
Plagioglypta? sp.
67ARR 440, 440A (23498-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 10 1/4' N., 141 deg. 23 1/2' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
algae?, indet.
echinoderm debris, indet.
ramose and fenestrate bryozoans, undet.
Derbyia? sp.
Kochiproductus sp.
Linoproductus sp.
productoid, indet.
Neospirifer sp.
Purdonella? sp.
Licharewia sp.
Neophricadothyris? sp.
67ARR 550 (23499-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 09 1/2' N., 141 deg. 01' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
Neophricadothyris sp.
Yakovlevia sp.
67ARR 619A (23500-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 06 3/4' N., 141 deg. 19 1/2' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
echinoderm columnals, indet.
productoid, indet.
Krotovia? sp.
Rhynchopora sp.
Stenocisma sp.
Purdonella sp.
Spiriferella sp.
Neophricadothyris sp.
Martinia sp.
pelecypod fragment, indet.
67ARR 621 , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 07' N., 141 deg. 21 1/2' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
gastropod steinkerns, indet.
67ARR 620A , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 07 1/2' N., 141 deg. 20 1/2' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
gastropod fragments, indet.
brachiopod fragments. indet.
67ARR 620B , Coleen , Collection not received in Washington.
67ARR 622 (23501-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 07 1/4' N., 141 deg. 24 1/2' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
Yakutoproductus? sp.
Anidanthus sp.
Purdonella? sp.
Attenuatella sp.
Martinia sp.
pectenoid pelecypod, indet.
othoceroid cephalopod, undet.
67ARR 547B (23502-PC) , Coleen , Coleen quad., 67 deg. 10 1/4' N., 141 deg. 01' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
Orthotichia? sp.
Septacamera? sp.
chonetid, indet.
Krotovia? sp.
Linoproductus sp.
Yakovlevia sp.
Kutorginella? sp.
Neophricadothyris sp.
spiriferoid, indet.
gastropod, indet.
67ARR 542 (23503-PC) , Coleen , Slightly calcareous black slaty siltstone and black shale with black siltstone concretions and brachiopods from Howling Dog Creek. Coleen 67 deg. 12' N., 141 deg. 54 1/2' W. Collector: H. N. Reiser, 1967.
productoid, indet.
Anidanthus sp.
Martinia sp.
Attenuatella sp.
terebratuloid, indet.
pectenoid, indet.