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Stratigraphic range: Upper Triassis and ?
Kinds of fossils: Marine invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Nabesna 1:250,000
Shipment No.: A-68-12
Referred by: Richter, Donald H.
Report prepared by: Silberling, Norman J.
Date: 11/13/1968

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
The Triassic rocks in the eastern Alaska Range consist of a massive, thick-bedded fossil-poor limestone overlain unconformably by thin-bedded, locally extremely fossiliferous, limestone. Fossil suites from both limestone units are being submitted. Fossils from the massive limestone collected last year west of the present study area indicate a Triassic age (Grant rept. 3/22/68 and Duncan, rept. 4/19/68). The thin-bedded limestone contains Monotis subcircularis and hence is late Triassic (Silberling, rept. 11/7/67). Corroboration of our Triassic age assignemtn and a more specific age for the massive limestone is desired. Refer to my transmittal memo to Norm Sohl for more general information on the area.

User Note module to be added
68-ARh-52 , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 23.0' N; Long. 142 deg. 40.8'W. Elev. 4000 feet in SW 1/4 sec. 17, R15E, T7N. From thin limestone beds (1-2') in massive limestone unit. (description from transmittal sheet of Richter dated Sept. 27, 1968)
smooth terebratuloid brachiopods
other shell fragments
68-ARh-162 , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 18.8'N; Long. 142 deg. 57.8'W. Elev. 300 feet in SW 1/4 sec. 11, R12E, T6N. Massive limestone unit.
Crinoid columnals
indeterminate shell fragments
68ARh-163 , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 19.3'N; Long. 142 deg. 58.0'W. Elev. 2800 feet in NE 1/4 sec. 10, R13E, T6N. Massive limestone unit. (description from transmittal sheet of Richter dated Sept. 27, 1968)
cidaroid echinoid spines
nondiagnostic fragments of pelecypods
nondiagnostic fragments of gastropods
68-ARh-201 , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 17.3'N; Long. 142 deg. 58.3'W., elev. 3500 feet in NW 1/4 sec. 22, R13E, T6N. Massive limestone unit. (description from transmittal sheet of Richter dated Sept. 17, 1958)
Indeterminate smooth terebratuloid brachiopods
68-ARh-256 , Nabesna , Nabesna A-3 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 13.7'N; Long. 142 deg. 24.5'W. Elev. 4500 feet in SW 1/4 sec. 10, R16E, T6N. Thin-bedded limestone unit. (description from transmittal sheet of Richter dated Sept. 27, 1968)
Cidaroid echinoid spines
68-ARh-302 , Nabesna , Nabesna C-5 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 35.9'N; Long. 143 deg. 09.1'W. Elev. 4800 feet in SW 1/4 sec. 34, R12E, T10N. Base of thin-bedded limestone unit. (description from transmittal sheet of Richter dated Sept. 27, 1968)
Indeterminate shell fragments
68-ARh-55 , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 23.0'N; Long. 142 deg. 40.6'W. Elev. 4000 feet in SW 1/4 sec. 17, R15"E, T7N. From thin-bedded limestone unit. Dark argillite-chert interbedded with limestone.
Monotis? sp.
68-ARh-224 (Mesozoic loc. M5090) , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 19.6'N; Long. 142 deg. 35.5'W. Elev. 3700 feet in SW 1/4 sec. 2, R15E, T6N. Thin-bedded limestone unit. (description from Richter transmittal sheet of Sept. 27, 1968)
Halobiid pelecypods
68-ARh-235 (Mesozoic loc. M5091) , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 17.4'N; Long. 142 deg. 30.8'W. Elev. 5800 feet in NE 1/4 sec. 19, R16E, T6N. Thin-bedded limestone unit.
Monotis cf. M. subcircularis Gabb
68-ARh-234 (Mesozoic loc. M5092) , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 17.3'N; Long. 142 deg. 31.5'W. Elev. 6200 feet in NW 1/4 sec. 19, R16E, T6N. Massive limestone unit. (description from transmittal sheet of Richter dated Sept. 27, 1968.
suggestive of the hydrozoan Heptastylis