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Stratigraphic range: Permian
Kinds of fossils:
Quadrangle or area: Skagway (A-3), Alaska
Shipment No.: A-66-10
Referred by: Brew, David A.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 05/19/1967

Mr. David Brew
Alaskan Geology Branch
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, California

Dear Dave:

In response to your letter concerning collection 66AHx246 from shipment A-66-10, the material has been processed, assigned our number USGS 22842-PC, and examined by four paleontologists. No conodonts or other microfossils are present. Because of the evidence of silicification on the surfaces of the rock, the material was dissolved in hydrochloric acid and several crudely silicified brachiopod specimens were secured.

I have examined the brachiopod fragments and, although there is not enough well-preserved material to make a definite age assignment, I suggest that the collection is possibly of Permian age. The more abundant forms are large rhynchonelloids, one specimen of which may be a Rhynchopora; at least one other kind of rhynchonelloid is present. Fragmentary spiriferoids, perhaps Spiriferella, and a rhipidomellid fragment complete the list of recognizable brachiopods.

By comparison with other similarly preserved fossils from southeastern Alaska, my best guess is that this represents a Permian assemblage. The nearest previously reported Permian (in Bull. 699) is from Porcupine Creek, as you know, and I would suggest a possible correlation. However, a better preserved and more diverse assemblage is needed before any definitive statement can be made.

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66AHx246 (22842-PC) , Skagway , 8.2 miles N.6 deg. E. from ice nunatak in SW1/4, Sec. 12 T. 32 S., R. 55 E. in the Skagway (A-3) quad.
rhynchonelloid fragments
Rhynchopora? sp.
Spiriferella? sp.