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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Probably Permian
Kinds of fossils: Corals, crinoid and bryozoan debris
Quadrangle or area: Juneau D-5
Shipment No.: A-59-9
Referred by: Lathram, E. H.
Report prepared by: Duncan, Helen
Date: 09/30/1959

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Paleozoic fossils from limestone sections - considered either Silurian or Devonian.

User Note module to be added
58APy183 (18625-PC) , Juneau , Juneau D-5 quadrangle, coordinates 5.7, 5.9. Light gray limestone considered in the field to be of Silurian or Devonian age. [Transmittal sheet of E.H. Lathram, dated May 1, 1959 provides following description: "Light gray limestone, highly fossiliferous, weathered surface much like fresh surface; contains poorly preserved fossils for most part some of which are horn corals(?) Age - Silurian or Devonian. Juneau D-5 Coords (5.7, 5.9)"]
crinoid columnals
bryozoan debris
punctate spiriferoid brachiopod
corals in the waagenophyllid group, possibly Iranophyllum