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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Probably middle Paleozoic
Kinds of fossils: Corals, stromatoporoids?, brachiopods
Quadrangle or area: Sitka B-1
Shipment No.: A-59-12
Referred by: Loney, R. A.
Report prepared by: Duncan, Helen , Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 05/23/1960


If there is good reason to believe that the collections (59ALy-240, -271, and -276) reported on here all came from the same rock unit, the formation is probably of middle Paleozoic (Devonian or Silurian) age. Two of the collections (59ALy-240 and -276) contain fossils that, though very poorly preserved, are suggestive of Siluro-Devonian faunas as known in Alaska. Nothing identifiable was found in lot 59ALy-271, but the lithology, as revealed in thin sections, seems to be much like that of lot 59ALy-240.

Lot 59ALy-276 was studied by Dutro and is being retained here. The other two collections were examined by Duncan. These lots together with the thin sections are being sent back to you.

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
The age of the rock unit from which these fossils were collected has not been determined. Structurally it seems to overly known Triassic, but there are abundant indications of faulting and it may be any age - Differentiating between lower Mesozoic and upper Paleozoic seems to be the chief problem.

District or county: Admiralty Island, Pybus Bay area
Quadrangle: Sitka

Collector(s) & year(s): R.A. Loney, 1959
Field locality number(s): 59ALy276, 59ALy540, 59ALy271

User Note module to be added
59ALy240 , Sitka , Sitka B-1 quadrangle; coordinates: 2.25, 11.3; 2 1/2 airline miles upstream from mouth of creek flowing southwest into the North Arm of Hood Bay, in the southeast fork. Dark gray, massive limestone in 5 to 10-foot beds in gray-black thin-bedded chert and argillite sequence. Loney coll. 1959. (description from E&R report)
fragments derived from branching favositid corals
fragments that exhibit structure suggestive of stromatoporoids
59ALy276 , Sitka , Sitka B-1 quadrangle; coordinates: 0.7, 9.65; 1/2 mile up creek from mouth; creek flows northwest into North Arm of Hood Bay. Dark gray, brown-weathering argillite, slightly to moderately calcareous. May be in black chert and dark gray limestone unit, but not in contact here. Loney coll. 1959. (description from E&R report)
Atrypa? sp.
59ALy271 , Sitka , Sitka B-1 quadrangle; coordinates: 5.3, 10.45; in stream flowing southeast into main of Pybus Bay, 5 miles from mouth. Dark gray limestone, massive, somewhat sheared; interbedded with thin-bedded grayish black chert and argillite. Loney coll. 1959. (description from E&R report)
a few small tubes in transverse section