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Authors: Johnson, J. G. , Kendall, G. W.
Date: /1976
Title: Late Early Devonian brachiopods and biofacies from central Nevada
50 , 6 , 113-1128 , 10 text-figs.
Host: Journal of Paleontology :
Document Type: Article\Abst.\Chapter\report
Annotation: Abstract--Three brachiopod faunas, belonging to three separate communities, occur stratigraphically above or in facies relationship with the upper Lower Devonian pinyonensis Zone of the Bartine Limestone and below the Denay Limestone of Middle Devonian age. The Elythyna fauna occurs in the Coils Creek Limestone; the Alatiformia fauna is a shallower water correlative of the Elythyna fauna and occurs in the lower Union Mountain Formation. The Bifida-Innuitella fauna occurs in the Coils Creek Limestone beds of relatively deep water origin offshore from the Bartine lithofacies.
All three faunas are of low diversity and are sparsely represented in collections due to their rarity and poor preservation. Several brachiopod species from the Elythyna fauna and from the upper subzone of the pinyonensis Zone are described and illustrated. Pentamerella niebuhri, Hysterolites alpha, and Hysterolites beta are described as new species.
S4-59 , Roberts Creek Mountain , Elev. 8400 ft on crest of spur, approx. 9000 ft W of Roberts Creek, 2900 ft NE of hill 8788, T22N, R50E, Roberts Creek Mtn. Quad. Coll. by Floyd Siders, 1959. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)
Schizophoria sp.
Carinagypa aseptata Johnson
Atrypa sp.
Nucleospira sp.
Athyris sp.
Hedeina? sp.
Elythyna kingi Johnson
S1-59 , Roberts Creek Mountain , East of Roberts Creek, elev. 7220 ft, 1700 ft S, 1000 ft W of hill 7964, T22N, R50E, Roberts Creek Mtn. Quad. Coll. by Floyd Siders, 1959. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)[Note by R.B. Blodgett: a very crude approximation of the lat/long for this locality is 39° 48.28'N, 116° 17.74'W (NAD27) - needs to be better determined!]
Carinagypa aseptata Johnson
Atrypa sp.
Elythyna kingi
WC II 621 , Cooper Peak , 621 ft SE along ridge crest, stratigraphically above a point 1150 ft N, 1850 ft E of SE cor. of sec. 22, T24N, R50E at base of Nevada Group, northern Roberts Mtns. Coll. by M.A. Murphy, 1967.
Schizophoria sp.
Dalejina? sp.
Carinagypa aseptata Johnson
Pentamerella niebuhri n. sp.
indet. stropheodontid sp.
Elythyna kingi Johnson
WCII-617-620 , Cooper Peak , 617-620 ft in same section as above; coll. by R.A. Flory and A.J. Wright, 1970. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)
Nucleospira sp.
Athyris sp.
Elythyna kingi Johnson
DC-FW 1 , Roberts Creek Mountain , East flank of Dry Creek, about 20 ft below Denay Ls., elev. approx. 6400 ft, 2100 ft S, 3300 E of NW cor. of sec. 24, T24N, R50E, northern Roberts Mtns., Roberts Creek Mtn. Quad. Coll. by R.A. Flory and A.J. Wright, 1970. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976)
Carinagypa aseptata Johnson
Elythyna kingi Johnson
RO-3 , Roberts Creek Mountain , On hill 7504, NE of Roberts Creek Ranch, 4200 ft N, 2000 ft W of SE cor. of sec. 19, T22N, R51E, southern Roberts Mts. Coll. by R.A. Flory and W.W. Niebuhr, 1971. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)[Note by R.B. Blodgett: a very crude approximation of the lat/long for this locality is 39° 45.76'N, 116° 44.05'W (NAD27) - needs to be better determined!]
Athyris sp.
RH II-25 , Horse Creek Valley , Approx. 2500 ft N, 600 ft W of SE cor. of sec. 13, T25N, R49E, NE tip of Simpson Park Range, Horse Creek Valley Quad. Coll. by T.G. Morgan, 1973; R.A. Flory, 1974. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)
Schizophoria sp.
Dalejina? sp.
Carinagypa aseptata Johnson
Pentamerella niebuhri n. sp.
Hedeina? sp.
Elythyna kingi Johnson
CCG , Roberts Creek Mountain , East flank of Willow Creek Ck., 1950 ft S, 2300 ft E of SE cor. of sec. 22, T24N, R50E, northern Roberts Mts, Roberts Creek Mtn. Quad. Coll. by M.A. Murphy, 1972. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)
Carinagypa aseptata Johnson
Elythyna kingi Johnson
Pentamerella niebuhri n. sp.
CPN-11a , Roberts Creek Mountain , North slope of Cooper Peak, elev. approx. 8840 ft, 4000 ft S, 11,000 ft W of NE cor. of T23N, R50E, northern Roberts Mts., Roberts Creek Mtn. Quad. Coll. by W.W. Niebuhr, 1972. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)
Carinagypa aseptata Johnson
Pentamerella niebuhri n. sp.
indet. stropheodontid sp.
Atrypa sp.
Polygnathus inversus
Polygnathus sp. nov. D
KDL-25 , Garden Valley , 99 ft above top of upper Bartine tongue, Sadler Ranch Section. Section trends E down first spur N of Summit 7466 into sec. 14, T24N, R52E, Sulphur Spring Range, Garden Valley Quad. Coll. by G.W. Kendall, 1974. (description from Johnson and Kendall, 1976, p. 1128)[Note by R.B. Blodgett: a very crude approximation of the lat/long for this locality is 39° 57.28'N, 116° 05.63'W (NAD27) - needs to be better determined!]
Schizophoria sp. (bisulcate)
Alatiformia sp. C
Elythyna sp.
KDL-183 , Garden Valley , 100 ft in same section as above [KDL-25]; coll. by G.W. Kendall, 1973.
Schizophoria sp. (bisulcate)
Carinagypa? sp.
Atrypa sp.
Nucleospira sp.
Alatiformia sp. C
Elythyna sp.
KDL-68 , Mineral Hill , In basal 10 ft of beds above top of upper Bartine tongue, approx. 1 mi due W of Josephine Spring (sec. 7, T25N, R53E), Sulphur Spring Range, Mineral Hill Quad. Coll. by G.W. Kendall, 1973)[Note by R.B. Blodgett: a very crude approximation of the lat/long for this locality is 40° 03.91'N, 116° 02.1'W (NAD27) - needs to be better determined!]
Atrypa sp.
Elythyna sp.
KDL-12 , Mineral Hill , 63 ft above top of upper Bartine tongue, Telegraph Canyon section. Section trends N65E in NE1/4, NE1/4 sec. 36, T26N, R52E, Sulphur Spring Range, Mineral Hill Quad. Coll. by G.W. Kendall, 1974. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: a very crude approximation of the lat/long for this locality is 40° 05.2'N, 116° 08.01'W (NAD27) - needs to be better determined!]
Schizophoria sp. (bisulcate)
Nucleospira sp.
Elythyna sp.