Reference Detail of

Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Mississippian
Kinds of fossils: Inverrtebrates
Quadrangle or area: Pt. Hope
Shipment No.: A-63-30
Referred by: Tailleur, Irv L.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 05/27/1968

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Collections from locality 60ACr-105, Ship. #A-61-1, which suggested Devonian age. Such an age is not supported by field evidence. The current collections should permit conclusive dating of the fauna.

User Note module to be added
63ATr334 (19771-PC) , Point Hope , Point Hope quad., lat. 68 deg. 24'24" N., long. 165 deg. 57'30" W., South bank of Kukpuk River about 1/2 mile west of unnamed tributary of Kukpuk. Collector: I.L. Tailleur, 1963. (description from Dutro E&R report of 6/27/68; Shipment A-63-30) [Note by R.B. Blodgett: Tailleur's inset map attached to his transmittal sheet indicates that this locality is situated on the south bank of Kukpuk River, less than 1/2 mile west of Iglupak Creek (unnamed creek referred to in E&R report), roughly opposite of where Kugirarok River joins the Kukpuk]
echinoderm debris, indet.
fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
strophomenoid brachiopod, indet.
Leptagonia cf. L. analoga (Phillips)
rhynchonellid brachiopod, indet.
Camarotoechia? sp.
Marginatia? sp.
Ovatia sp.
dictyoclostid brachiopods, indet.
Spirifer sp.
Anthracospirifer? sp.
Brachythyris sp.
Composita sp.
Torynifer sp.
Cleiothyridina? sp.
pectinoid pelecypod, indet.
pelecypod fragments, indet.