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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Mississippian
Kinds of fossils: Marine invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Pt. Hope A-2 quad.
Shipment No.: A-58-10
Referred by: Campbell, Russell H.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 11/18/1958

This report covers two collections from rocks of possible Late Mississippian (Alapah) age.

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
58ACr35 - Can this coral be used to determine the formation represented?

58ACr-36 - Are the fossils useful in verifying tentative correlation with Utukok formation as described in Brooks Range?

Field notebook reference: Cambell, Chariot, 1958, p. 42

User Note module to be added
58ACr35 , Point Hope , No description given in Dutro E&R report 11/18/58 (Shipment A-58-10); however, transmittal sheet from R.H. Campbell of of October 28, 1958 gives the following: "Lisburne group; stratigraphically the highest beds with possible useable fossils near Miss-Permian fault contact, west side of Ogotoruk Creek - sea cliff exposure. Point Hope A-2 quadrangle 1:63,360 coordinates 10.31 right, 7.02 up."
scattered echinoderm debris
a zaphrentoid horn coral (possibly Zaphrentites)
58ACr36 , Point Hope , No description given in Dutro E&R report 11/18/58 (Shipment A-58-10); however, transmittal sheet from R.H. Campbell of of October 28, 1958 gives the following: "Utukok formation(?) exposed along Kukpuk River north of VABM Safety, Point Hope quadrangle 1:250,000, coordinates 15.42 right, 5.12" up."
Linoproductus? sp.
large indeterminate spiriferoid