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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Devonian, Lower Mississippian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, mollusks
Quadrangle or area: Survey Pass D-5, D-6 quads., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-77-13
Referred by: Grybeck, Donald
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 09/12/1977

This report covers 5 collections, all of which contain poorly preserved, distorted, fragmentary molds and casts of brachiopods, mollusks and echinoderm debris. Most of these fossils are indeterminate, but can be compared with better preserved material from nearby areas. All but one are probably Late Devonian (Famennian) in age. One collection (77ANS013A) may possibly be Early Mississippian, but a Late Devonian age cannot be ruled out for this collection either.
[It is obvious in reading the individual notes for each locality, that the citation above referring an Early Mississippian age for collection 77ANS013 is an error, what was obviously meant was collection 77ANS070A (see accompanying note) - RBB comment]
SUMMARY. The presence of possible Cyrtospirifer, rhynchonelloids and the large productelloid brachiopod suggest a Late Devonian (Famennian) age. The characteristic corals and brachiopods of thie typical Hunt Fork Shale are not present. Calcareous sandstones of this age have been mapped as a separate member of the Hunt Fork Shale elsewhere in the cnetral Brooks Range. Similar rocks lie just below the type Kanayut in the area east of Shainin Lake.
The collections are being discarded.

User Note module to be added
77ANS013A , Survey Pass , Rubble outcrop of black slaty phyllite and brown weathering limonitic sandstone; float sample; locality is 1 km. S 60 deg. W. from head of Alatna River. Collector: S. Nelson, 1977.
indeterminate echinoderm debris, including columnals
poorly preserved spiriferoid brachiopods, probably Cyrtospirifer
77ANS065A , Survey Pass , 15 km. N. 30 deg. W. of Papik Mtn.; 100 ft. high outcrop of interbedded light green shale, brown siltstone, reddish brown calcareous sandstone and mudstone. Collector: S. Nelson, 1977.
echinoderm fragments
indeterminate molds and casts of rhynchonelloid brachiopods
77ANS068A , Survey Pass , 25 km. N. 10 deg. E. of Papik Mtn.; interbedded light brown siltstone and shale and reddish brown, calcareous sandstone; shales have abundant worm trails. Collector: S. Nelson, 1977.
indeterminate bivalves
77ANS070A , Survey Pass , 26 km. N. 54 deg. E. of Papik Mtn.; black slaty shale. Collector: S. Nelson, 1977.
indeterminate echinoderm ossicles
fenestrate bryozoans
77ANS071B , Survey Pass , 27.5 km. N. 59 E. of Papik Mtn.; light brown weathering, black slaty shale and reddish brown calcareous sandstone. Collector: S. Nelson, 1977.
indeterminate echinoderm debris
poorly preserved large productellid brachiopod