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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Pennsylvanian-Permian(?)
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods
Quadrangle or area: Port Alexander D-1 quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-82-10
Referred by: Brew, David A.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 03/10/1983

Three collections in this shipment were turned over to me for examination. Only one has diagnostic megafossils (USGS 28825-PC). This collection, from Muffler's Cl unit, contains a Pennyslvanian assemblage, corroborating the age based on the more diversified faunas of USGS 27714-PC (see report on A-80-17 dated 3/9/83). The collection from the silty limestone member of the Saginaw Bay Formation (USGS 28822-PC) may well be early Permian, but the single species present is not diagnostic. Conodont studies of other collections may produce definitive results for this sequence, however. Collections retained.

User Note module to be added
82PB050A (28825-PC) , Port Alexander , Port Alexander D-1 quad.; sec. 24, T. 57 S., R. 71 E.; 56 deg. 54'52"N., 134 deg. 09'48" W.; cove 6 miles NW of VABM Lowe, 1/10 mile W. of creek on eastern side of cove; Muffler's crinoid limestone (Cl). Collector: P.D. Burrell, 1982.
echinoderm debris, indet.
Neochonetes sp.
Antiquatonia? sp.
Krotovia? sp.
productoid fragments, undet.
Anthracospirifer? sp.
Composita sp.
Martinia sp.
proetid trilobite pygidia, undet.
82DB156A (28822-PC) , Port Alexander , Port Alexander D-1 quad.; sec. 27, T. 57 S., R. 71 E.; 56 deg. 54'00" N., 134 deg. 12'18" W.; south side of small cove south of Halleck Harbor, Saginaw Bay, Kuiu Island; silty limestone member of Saginaw Bay Formation. Collector: D.A. Brew, 1982.
82DB160C , Port Alexander , Port Alexander D-1 quad.; sec. 7, T. 58 S., R. 72 E.; 56 deg. 51'24" N., 133 deg. 07'59" W.; isolated rock near NE side of head of Saginaw Bay; lower Halleck Formation? Collector: D.A. Brew, 1982.
conical-shaped objects resembling the trace fossil Conichnus