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Stratigraphic range: Permian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods
Quadrangle or area: Juneau D-5 quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-84-40
Referred by: Karl, Susan M. , Brew, David A.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 10/12/1984

One collection in this shipment contains silicified brachiopods of Permian age, like those from the Pybus Formation elsewhere in southeastern Alaska. The critical form is Septacamera stupenda Grant, a large, multicostate rhynchonelloid described by Grant from the Pybus (1971). I have previously considered the Pybus to be of "middle" Permian age, recognizing that its faunas are roughly ccorrelated to the Word of Texas. Conodonts recently identified from the Pybus by Bruce Wardlaw (report to Brew, 5/8/84, shipment A-83-30) suggest an early Late Permian age. This age is based on a new boundary proposal which places the Lower/Upper Permian boundary within the Word Formation of west Texas. At any rate, this collection fits a pattern of Pybus-like limestones throughout southeastern Alaska.
Grant, R.E., 1971, Taxonomy and Autoecology of Two Arctic Permian Rhynchonelloid Brachiopods: Smithsonian Contrib. Paleobiology, No. 3, p. 313-335.

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84SK412B (29346-PC) , Juneau , Juneau D-5 quad.; sec. 14, T. 36 S., R. 60 E.; 58 deg. 45 min., 16 sec. N.; 135 deg. 21 min. 18 sec. W.; SW side of ridge, 2 mi. S. of Endicott River, 2 mi. W. of triang. station William Henry; dark gray, fossiliferous, massive limestone. Collector: S.M. Karl, 1984. Collection retained.
coarsely silicified, indeterminate echinodermal debris
Septacamera stupenda Grant
Hustedia sp.