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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Devonian
Kinds of fossils: Invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Talkeetna C-6 Quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-75-3
Referred by: Reed, Bruce
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 03/03/1975

(In consult. with W.A. Oliver) This is a preliminary report on 5 collections from the "red bed" section (Section 43) 2 miles northeast of Shellabarger Pass. Brachiopods and corals, present in all except the upper two collections (74AR43 and 43C), are similar and all suggest a Late Devonian (Frasnian) age. Nothing about the sequence of faunas seems diagnostic for determining superposition of beds. Phyical criteria will have to be relied on for this purpose.
The corals will be studied by Oliver after his return from Africa this spring. As far as we can determine, these faunas all represent the Macgeea Zone (Frasnian).

User Note module to be added
74AR43B (USGS 9504-SD) , Talkeetna , 2 mi. N. 45 deg. E. from Shellabarger Pass; 50 ft. below top of sandstone unit that appears to be overturned. Collectors: B. Reed, D. Jones, D. Richter, 1974.
Thamnopora sp.
Macgeea? sp.
Schizophoria cf. S. mcfarlanei (Meek)
Productella sp.
Allanaria sp.
Atrypa sp. (large)
Spinatrypa sp.
74AR43A (USGS 9502-SD) , Talkeetna , 2 mi N. 45 deg. E. from Shellabarger Pass; from lower half of 150-200 ft. shally siltstone above the limestone; *main part* of collection. Collectors: B. Reed, D. Jones, D. Richter, 1974.
echinoderm debris, indet.
Macgeea sp.
Thamnopora sp.
gastropods, medium-spired
74AR44 (USGS 9501-SD) , Talkeetna , 2 mi. N. 45 deg. E. from Shellabarger Pass; from top 50 ft. of 200 ft. limestone unit. Collector: Bruce Reed, D. Jones, D. Richter, 1974.
echinoderm debris, indet.
massive stromatoporoids, undetermined
Amphipora? sp.
horn coral, undetermined
Phillipsastrea? sp.
Thamnopora sp.
74AR43A' (9503-SD) , Talkeetna , Same locality as 74AR43A [the same field number 74AR43A is listed twice in the report. The second 74AR43A is thus modified to 74AR43A' to distinguish the two collections - NZ]; from 'brown shale" at top of collecting interval; Collectors: B. Reed, D. Jones, D. Richter, 1974
echinoderm debris, indet.
Macgeea sp.
Thamnopora sp.
Alveolites? sp.
Cyrtospirifer? sp.
Allanaria? sp.
Atrypa sp.
gastropods, medium-spired
74AR43C (9505-SD) , Talkeetna , Same locality as 74AR43B; 30 ft. above base of cgl. -ss. unit at "top" of section. Collectors: B. Reed, D. Jones, D. Richter, 1974.
echinoderm debris, indet.
Allanaria? sp.
small, possibly Sanguinolites
high-spired gastropod, undetermined