Reference Detail of

Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Mississippian-Triassic
Kinds of fossils: Invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Delong Mtns. Quad. (1:250,000), Northern
Shipment No.: 0-77-3
Referred by: Cleveland, G.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 01/06/1977

This report covers 11 collections from the Delong Mountains Quad. of which 4 are from the Kogruk Limestone, 5 are from a Mississippian shale-chert-sandstone sequence and 2 are from Triassic cherts.

All collections from the Kogruk are float and three of these consist only of indeterminate crinoid columnals. The fourth is a lithostrotionoid coral, typical of this late Mississippian formation in the western Brooks Range.

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Cleveland 30107 , De Long Mts , Wulik River tributary, float in creek bed.
large crinoid columnals
Cleveland 30461 , De Long Mts , Tributary to west fork of Wulik River, float in creek bed.
large crinoid columnals
Cleveland F-1 , De Long Mts , Float in creek bed, location unknown.
large crinoid columnals
Cleveland 30435 , De Long Mts , Ikalukrok tributary, float in creek bed.
Lithostrotion (Siphonodendron) sinuosum (Kelly)
Cleveland 30511-1, 2 , De Long Mts , Tributary to west fork of Wulik River, float in a creek bed.
large crinoid columnals
Cleveland F-2 , De Long Mts , Ikalukrok tributary, float on a hillside.
Spirifer cf. S. gregeri Weller
Cleveland F-3, F-4 , De Long Mts , Ikalukrok tributary, talus on hillside.
Cleveland F-5, F-6 , De Long Mts , Ikalukrok tributary, float in creek bed.
Monotis sp.