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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Permian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, bryozoans
Quadrangle or area: McCarthy C-8 quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-70-26
Referred by: MacKevett, E. M., Jr.
Report prepared by: Grant, Richard E.
Date: 04/20/1971

The shipment consists of samples from two localities in sec. 15, T. 4 S., R. 9 E. None of the material is sufficiently well preserved to warrent retention in the reference collections of the P&S Branch, so they weill be held for about one year and then discarded, unless requested to be returned.

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Under separate cover I'm sending you two fossil collections, 70AsJ-554F and 70AsJ-559F, that were collected from the McCarthy C-8 quadrangle, Alaska, By J. G. Smith. Locations of the collections are plotted on the enclosed topo sheet. The collections are from marble within somewhat metamorphosed rocks that probably are equivalents of part of our Permian Skolai Group. They are probably similar to other collections from the C-8 quadrangle that you examined last year. Any identifications or comments concerning the fossils will be appreciated.

User Note module to be added
70ASj554F , Mc Carthy , In the south-central part of section 15.
fenestellid bryozoans
70ASj559F , Mc Carthy , In the north-central part of section 15.
fenestellid bryozoans
ramose bryozoans
Sowerbina? sp.
Pseudosyringothyris sp.
Cleiothyridina or Spiriferella or Arctitreta