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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Mississippian - Permian
Kinds of fossils: Invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Mt. Michelson quad., Alaska
Shipment No.: A-70-22
Referred by: Brosge, William P.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr. , Bieler, David
Date: 01/27/1971

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Is Kayak at 70ABe 206; Upper or Lower Mississippian? Where is base of Permian at Sadlerochit-Lisburne contact at B224?

User Note module to be added
70ABe 206 , Mt Michelson , North flank "Echooka Anticline" near Juniper Fk. Fragments of crinoids and ostracodes? in limey lens at top of 50-100 ft unit of fine ferruginous quartzite separated from Lisburne by 800? ft soft rusty weathering, laminated black, gray and ferruginous siltstone.
Echinoderm debris
70ABe 224A (24400-PC) , Mt Michelson , Section at Lisburne-Sadlerochit contact near Ipalook Ck. 30 ft: Cliff-forming unit; qtz-chert pebble conglomerate and hematitic limestone, underlain by yellow-weathering pyritic silty thin-bedded limestone. Brachiopods B224A in the conglomerate.
Echinoderm debris, indet.
productoid fragments, indet.
Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Tschernyschew (a)
spiriferoid fragment, indet.
Neophricadothyris cf. N. asiatica (Chao) (r)
Attenuatella? sp. (c)
70ABe 224CC (24399-PC) , Mt Michelson , Section at Lisburne-Sadlerochit contact near Ipalook Ck. [Overlain by 70ABe 224A beds] 50 ft: Recessive unit; black, very fine pyritic limestone with brachiopods B224CC, underlain by black fine cherty limestone and shale [of Lisburne].
echinoderm debris, indet. (a)
chonetids, indet. (perhaps Neochonetes)
productoids, indet. (perhaps Reticulatia)