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Quadrangle or area: Howard Pass B-5, Alaska
Shipment No.: A-93-2
Referred by: Dumoulin, Julie A.
Report prepared by: Blodgett, Robert B.
Date: 05/03/1994

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92AD30B (11949-SD, also 12463-SD) , Howard Pass , Sample collected on E-W segment of ridge. Partly silicified brachiopod lime packstone. (description from Blodgett E&R report of 5/3/94)[Howard Pass B-5. Lat. 68 deg. 29'43" N., Long. 158 deg. 34'00" W. Partly silicified brachiopod packstone. Thin section is brachiopod packstone containing crinoid ossicles and gastropods; many bioclasts silicified and matrix largely dolomitized. Collected from unnamed Devonian limestone, about 10 m above 92AD28A-4. Brachiopods of early Eifelian age collected from this locality (see table 3). Heavy-mineral concentrate includes 7 gastropod, 1 ostracode, and 3 tentaculitid phosphatized steinkerns. (description from Dover et al., 2004, p. 45 (Table 1))]; [Howard Pass B-5. 68°29'45", 158°35'10". Partly silicified brachiopod packstone. Collected from unnamed Devonian limestone, about 10 m above 92AD29-8 and slightly lower(?) than 28A-4.
Collected to the west of 92AD28A-4 and -22. (description from Harris E&R reports dated Jan. 25, 1995 (Shipment no. A-95-3a) and March 17, 1995 (Shipment no. A-95-3).]
Spinatrypa (Isospinatrypa) sp. (fragments)
crinoid ossicles
92AD45B (USGS loc. 11950-SD, also 12464-SD) , Howard Pass , Both samples (92AD45B, 45C) collected along N-S segment of ridge. From a dolomitic brachiopod packstone. (description from Blodgett E&R report of 5/3/94) [Howard Pass B-5. Lat. 68 deg. 29'57" N., Long. 158 deg. 35'35" W. Dolomitic brachiopod packstone. Thin section is dolomite crystal mosaic containing a few silicified bioclasts, including probable brachiopod fragments and crinoid ossicles. Collected from unnamed Devonian limestone, stratigraphically equivalent to 92AD45C but in different facies. These rocks stratigraphically underlie strata at loc. 74; approx. 130 m of total section exposed at the two localities. Heavy-mineral concentrate is chiefly phosphatic brachiopod fragments. Brachiopods of early Eifelian age collected from this locality (see table 3). (description from Dover et al., 2004, p. 43 (Table 1))]; [92AD45B. USGS loc. 12464-SD. Howard Pass B-5. 68°29'58", 158°35'32". Dolomitic brachiopod packstone. Collected from unnamed Devonian limestone, stratigraphically equivalent(?) to 92AD44D and 45C, but in different(?) facies.
Collected north of 92AD44D. (description from Harris E&R reports dated Jan. 25, 1995 (Shipment no. A-95-3a) and March 17, 1995 (Shipment no. A-95-3)]
Schizophoria sp.
Cassidirostrum? sp.
Cupularostrum? sp.
Spinatrypa (Isospinatrypa) sp.
crinoid ossicles
92AD45C (USGS loc. 11951-SD, also 12465-SD) , Howard Pass , Both samples (92AD45B, 45C) collected along N-S segment of ridge. From a limey brachiopod packstone. (description from Blodgett E&R report of 5/3/94) [Howard Pass B-5. Lat. 68 deg. 29'57" N., Long. 158 deg. 35'35" W. Limey brachiopod packstone. Thin section is brachiopod-crinoid wackestone; matrix dolomitized and bioclasts largely silicified. Collection from an unnamed Devonian limestone, stratigraphically equivalent(?) to 92AD45B, but in different facies. Brachiopods of early Eifelian age collected from this locality (see table 3). (description from Dover et al., 2004, p. 43 (Table 1))]; [92AD45C. USGS loc. 12465-SD. Howard Pass B-5. 68°29'58", 158°35'32". Limy brachiopod packstone. Collected from unnamed Devonian limestone, stratigraphically equivalent(?) to 92AD44D and 45B, but in different(?) facies. Collected north of 92AD44D. (description from Harris E&R reports dated Jan. 25, 19995 (Shipment no. A-95-3a) and March 17, 1995 (Shipment no. A-95-93-3)]
Cassidirostrum? sp.
Spinatrypa (Isospinatrypa) sp.
Costacranaena n. sp.