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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Permian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, Cephalopods
Quadrangle or area: Nabesna Quad. D-5, D-6, Alaska
Shipment No.: A-71-10
Referred by: Richter, Donald H.
Report prepared by: Grant, Richard E.
Date: 11/08/1971

(in consultation with M. Gordon, Jr. and O. L. Karklins) Most of the brachiopods are not well preserved, but the samples are small enough to warrant keeping them in the P&S reference collection. The ammonites, on the other hand, are better than those that Gordon examined for his report on shipment no. A-68-12 from the same locality. They are the first specimens of the genus Uraloceras to be identified in the Western Hemisphere, and therefore constitute an important collection.

All except sample 23476-PC are Permian or at least not apparently other than Permian. No. 23476 has only fenestellids that might well be Permian, but cannot be determined at present. No. 23480 has a suite of brachiopods, clams, a possible chiton, and other things that do not look like those in the other samples, so a different age was suspected. The bryozoans indicate a Permian age, however, and in fact suggest an early Late Permian age.

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Nine of these ten suites of fossils were collected during detailed mapping in the structurally complex area in the vicinity of the Denali-Totschunda fault junction. Field identification suggests all are Permian. Corroboration of our field identification is requested. The remaining suite (71-ARh-150) is an additional collection of ammonites from the Nabesna Mine area. An earlier collection (68-ARh-77) from this area has been reported on by M. Gordon, Jr. (shipment A-68-12, rept. 10/23/69).

User Note module to be added
71-AHr-132 (23472-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-6 quad., elev. 5550' in sec. 33, T. 13 N., R. 10 E., 2.98 miles S. 65 deg. E., 2.98 miles S. 65 deg. E. from VABM TASTA.
Cleiothyridina or
Neospirifer sp.
Waagenoconcha sp.
71-ARh-150 (23473-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna B-5 quad., elev. 3570' in sec. 5, T. 7 N., R. 13 E., 3.05 miles N. 18 deg. W. from Nabesna Mine.
Uraloceras sp.
71-ARh-130 (23474-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-6 quad., elev. 5460' in sec. 33, T. 13 N., R. 10 E., 3.0 miles S. 62 deg. E. from VABM TASTA.
Anemonaria sp.
Cleiothyridina (?) sp.
Horridonia (?) sp.
Kochiproductus sp.
Lissochonetes sp.
Rhynchopora sp.
Waagenoconcha (?) sp.
Bryozoans indet.
Pectenoid clam
71-ARh-135 (23475-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-5 quad., elev. 5525' in sec. 34, T. 13 N., R. 10 E., 3.45 miles S. 70 deg. W. from VABM MINERAL.
Chonetid indet.
Kochiproductus sp.
Rhynchopora sp.
71-RL-171 (23476-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-5 quad., elev. 5050' in sec. 2, T. 12 N., R. 10 E., 3.05 miles S. 60 deg. W. from VABM MINERAL.
fenestellid bryozoan, indet.
71-RL-172 (23477-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-5 quad., elev. 5500' in sec. 2, T. 12 N., R. 10 E., 2.72 miles from VABM MINERAL.
Fenestellid bryozoan
Kochiproductus (?) sp.
Thamnosia (?) sp.
Brach. indet. ( possibly Septacamera)
71-PCL-294 (23478-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-6 quad., elev. 4720' in sec. 25, T. 13 N., R. 9 E., 1.07 miles S. 7 deg. W. from VABM TASTA.
Cleiothyridina (?) sp.
Spiriferella sp.
71-PCL-302 (23479-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-6 quad., elev. 5575' in sec. 33, T. 13 N., R. 10 E., 2.98 miles S. 63 deg. from VABM TASTA.
Anemonaria (?) sp.
Cleiothyridina (?) sp.
Odontospirifer (?) sp.
Spiriferella sp.
Crinoid columnals
71-PCL-330 (23480-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna D-5 quad., elev. 4300' in sec. 2, T. 12 N., R. 10E., 3.4 miles S. 59 deg. W from VABM MINERAL.
Crinoid columnals
Chiton ?
Rhombotrypella sp.
Arctitopora (sensu lato)
rhomboporoids indet.
fenestellids indet.
Chonetid indet.
Fimbriaria (?) sp.
Lingulid indet.
Productid indet.
Spiriferella (?) sp.
Nuculoid clam