Reference Detail of

Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Eocene or Oligocene to Miocene
Kinds of fossils: Mollusks, echinoderms, crustaceans, plants
Quadrangle or area: Port Moller (C-2, D-1, D-2), Stepovak Bay (D-6) quadrangles, Alaska
Shipment No.: A-87-17M
Referred by: Wilson, Frederic H.
Report prepared by: Marincovich, Louie , Jr.
Date: 07/24/1987

This report deals with nine collections of megafossils from the Alaska Peninsula, southwestern Alaska, that were collected during the 1986 field season.

User Note module to be added
86ADt374 (Cenozoic loc. M9125) , Port Moller
Spisula? sp.
Genus indeterminate - fragments
86ADt381 (Cenozoic loc. M9126) , Port Moller
Ostrea tigiliana
86AWs400??? (Cenozoic loc. M9127) , Port Moller , Field locality ????. There is no field number or formation assignment with sample. Ric Wilson (memo of 6/30/87) suspects that this is field locality 86AWs400, which is in the Port Moller D-1 quadrangle, lat. 55 deg. 48'00", long. 160 deg. 18'48"W., and which is in the Bear Lake Formation.
Mytilus (Plicatomytilus) gratacapi
86AGs19 (Cenozoic loc. M9128) , Port Moller
Plants: fragments
82AWs39 (recollection 1986) (Cenozoic loc. M9129) , Port Moller , Bear Lake or Stepovak Formation. Note the 1982 field number; presumably this sample is a 1986 recollection of 1982 locality.
Ostrea sp.
Periploma (Aelga) besshoense?
86AWs356 (Cenozoic loc. M9130) , Port Moller , Same locality data as M9129, above. Bear Lake or Stepovak Formation.
Spisula polynyma?
Indeterminate genus
sand dollar fragment
86AWs379 (Cenozoic loc. M9131) , Stepovak Bay , Bear Lake Formation?
Epitonium cf. E. atwoodi
crab carapace fragments
86AWs394 (Cenozoic loc. M9132) , Port Moller , This is a recollection of 84AM11 (USGS Cenozoic loc. M8450), which was first assigned to the Bear Lake Formation by Jim Case in 1984.
Ostrea cf. O. tigiliana
86ADt406 (Cenozoic loc. M9133) , Port Moller
Acila species
Crepidula species