Sample: Sample No. 91AD13A -- USGS No. DR 1513
Locality: Field No. 91AD13A
Description: Howard Pass B-4. Lat. 68o 22'41" N., Long. 158o 08'40" W. Medium-gray to black, vitreous chert, weathering white to gray and (locally) reddish-brown; 101-5 percent radiolarians visible on most fresh surfaces. Thin section is pale to dark-brown chert that contains 10-40 percent radiloarians; quartz crystals within tests are generally finer grained than those in the matrix. (description from Dover et al., 2004, p. 61 (Table 2)); [Formation: Akmalik (Mississippian). USGS Howard Pass 1:250,000 B4 quadrangle, T. 12 S., R. 27 W., sec. 26; near knob at 760 m high, approx. 0.5 mi north of headwaters of Makpik Creek and 4.5 mi east of benchmark labeled "Apex"; same locality as 91AD13A. Lat 68°22'40", long 158°08'40". (description from Blome and Reed E&R report dated June 23, 1993; Shipment no. A-92-9D)]
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Howard Pass B-4
Township&Range: 12 S. 27 W. Section: 26
Lat.: 68o22'41 " Long.: 158o08'40 "
Title: Geologic and fossil locality maps of the west-central part of the Howard Pass Quadangle and part of the adjacent Misheguk Mountains Quadrangle, western Brooks Range, Alaska ,  2004
Report by: Jim Dover , Irv L. Tailleur , Julie A. Dumoulin
Age: Mississippian (Probably Mississippian (Meramecian or younger))
Formation: Akmalik Chert
Comment:Age: Probably Mississippian (Meramecian or younger)

Shown as locality 102 on Sheet 2; map unit: lPMap

No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Radiolarian Poorly preservd forms including those questionable assigned to the Scharfenbergia impella group radiolarians identified by C.D. Blome and K.M. Reed
2 Radiolarian Also poorly preserved undescribed spumellarians and rare spicules

Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1993 (06/23)
Report by: Charles D. Blome , Katherine M. Reed
Referred by: J. H. Dover
Age: Mississippian (Probably Mississippian (Meramecian or younger))
Formation: Akmalik Chert
Comment:Age: Probably Mississippian (Meramecian or younger)
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Radiolarian Poorly preserved forms including:
2 Radiolarian those questionably assigned to the Scharfenbergia impella group
3 Radiolarian Also poorly preserved undescribed spumellarians ...
4 Radiolarian .... and rare spicules