Sample: Sample No. 49AEC135 -- USGS No. Mesozoic loc. 22123
Locality: Field No. 49AEC135
Description: None given on E&R form. [Transmittal form of Eckhart cites it as "Gypsiferous deposit near Sheep Mountain Inn on Glen Allen Highway. Approximately 112 miles east of Anchorage, Alaska." "Salt and pepper sandstone." "NW1/4, of NE1/4, 602." "Sheep Mountain" Collector: R.A. Eckhart, p. 102 of 1949 notebook, date 9/10/49 [Note by RBB: this locality occurs on the current Anchorage D-2 quadrangle map] [Jones, 1967, p. 17 gives following description: R.A. Eckhart, 1949. Anchorage D-2 quad., 3,100 ft north of Glenn Highway. Lat. 61o 48'50" N., long. 147o 31'45" W. Unit B]
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Anchorage D-2
Lat.: 61o48'50 " Long.: 147o31'45 "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1950 (03/20)
Report by: Ralph W. Imlay
Referred by: R. A. Eckhart
Age: Late Cretaceous (early Late Cretaceous)
Formation: Matanuska Formation
Comment:Lot 49 AEC - 135 from the Matanuska formation contains a species of Inoceramus that is similar to species in the Carlile shale of the Western Interior and is, therefore, probably of early Upper Cretaceous age.
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Bivalves a species of Inoceramus similar to a species in the Carlile shale of the Western Interior

Title: Cretaceous ammonites from the lower part of the Matanuska Formation, southern Alaska, with a stratigraphic summary by Arthur Grantz ,  1967
Report by: David L. Jones
Age: Cenomanian
Formation: Matanuska Formation
Comment:[Note by R.B. Blodgett: Location shown on Pl. 10, which indicates it is Cenomanian in age]
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Bivalves Inoceramus n. sp. "B"