Sample: Sample No. 52ADu47 -- USGS No. Mesozoic loc. 24061
Locality: Field No. 52ADu47
Description: from the Porcupine Lake area
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Arctic D-5?
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1973 (05/10)
This report concerns the reexamination of four samples in the USGS collections at Menlo Park from the Porcupine Lake area of northern Alaska. These were first reported on by Kummel many years ago.
Report by: K. M. Nichols , Norman J. Silberling
Referred by: William P. Brosge
Age: Early Triassic (mid-Early Triassic (Smithian))
Comment:All of these collections are of Smithian (mid-Early Triassic) age.
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Bivalves Posidonia mimer Oeberg
2 Bivalves ?Pseudomonotis boreas (Oeberg)