Sample: Sample No. 57AWg 263
Locality: Field No. 57AWg 263
Description: Coalified wood & sandstone with plant remains (check for pollen) from lower part of Grubstake formation at station U-679, from outcrop on southeast side of Buzzard Creek, alt. 2,100', 2.9 miles from confluence with Teklanika River - 5.4"N and 2.5"E of SE corner of Fairbanks A-3 Quad.
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Fairbanks A-3
Lat.: 64o04.7 ' Long.: 148o25' "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1960 (08/17)
Imcomplete; report by Estella B. Leopold will be sent at a later date.

This report deals with fossil wood from the following localities: 46AWg 68; 50AWg 385; 57AWg 263; 57AWg 272; 50AWg 1; 58AWg 76; 58AWg 17; 58AWg 18.

All of the wood specimens in these collections were lignitized, coalified or degraded to an extent that makes identification impossible.

Report by: R. A. Scott
Referred by: Clyde Wahrhaftig
Age: No Data
Formation: Grubstake Formation