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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Ordovician-Devonian
Kinds of fossils: Corals
Quadrangle or area: Craig Quadrangle, SE Alaska
Shipment No.: A-74-19
Referred by: Churkin, Michael, Jr.
Report prepared by: Oliver, William A., Jr.
Date: 01/27/1975

A number of coral collections are reported on here. I would like to have more material from 1801, 1473 and 1511 as these are particularly interesting. I note indications that not all of the corals in some collections were sent. This is objectionable as it makes it more difficult to answer some kinds of questions. Any time that I am asked to give the age of a collection I am entitled to have all pertinent information and material.

User Note module to be added
74ACn791 (8277-CO) , Craig , Lat. 55 deg. 40.6 min. N., Long. 132 deg. 31.6 min. W., Craig quadrangle. Center of Sec. 34, T. 71 S., R. 84 E., east shore of island in central part of Thorne Bay.
cf. Reuschia sp.
74ACn772 (8278-CO) , Craig , Lat. 55 deg. 39.5 min. N.; Long. 132 deg. 30.2 min. W., Craig quadrangle. Small island in Thorne Bay, NE 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 3, T. 72 S., R. 84 E.
Favositoid corals
cf. Streptelasma sp.
66ACn243 (9387-SD) , Craig , Landslide on north shore of Port St. Nicholas, Prince of Wales Island. Exposing Karheen Formation. Locality description published in Lethaia 1970, vol. 3, pages 183-202.
Favosites sp. cf. F. sp. from McCann Hill Chert (illustr. Prof. Pap. 823-B, pl. 16, figs. 5-6)
Fasciphyllum sp. (phaceloid and close to species from Salmontrout Ls.)
cf. Taimyrophyllum sp. (definitely not Billingsastraea or Radiastraea but probably not T. either; possibly a new genus)
74ACn1461 (9388-SD) , Craig , NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 36, T. 69 S., R. 80 E., Lat. 55 deg. 50.9 min. N., Long. 133 deg. 4.7 min. W., Craig D-4 Quad.
Tryplasma sp.
small smooth atrypoids, possibly Atrypella
elongate true Atrypa
73ACn51 (9389-SD) , Craig , Kasaan Island, south shore, Lat. 55 deg. 29.3 min. N., Long. 132 deg. 19.5 min. W., Craig Quad. (B-1).
Pseudamplexus sp. cf. P. altaica
65ACn1801 (9390-SD) , Craig , From small island at south tip of Wadleigh Island; Lat. 55 deg. 31.4 min. N., Long. 133 deg. 13.8 min. W., Craig C-4 quad.
Auloporoid coral
Macgeea sp. K of Merriam ms. pl. 14
cf. Paracanthus sp. a of Merriam ms. pl. 11
cf. P.? sp. b of Merriam ms. pl. 12
Smithiphyllum sp. cf. S. imperfectum (Smith)
cf. Tabulophyllum sp.
Tabulophyllum? sp. a of Merriam ms. pl. 12 (as Breviphyllum)
74ACn1473 (9391-SD) , Craig , CONCHIDIUM-rich limestone forming small notch on top of hill. SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 26, T. 69 S., R. 80 E. Lat. 55 deg. 51.3 min. N., long. 133 deg. 5.6 min. W., Craig D-4 Quad.
Auloporoid? coral
Cladoporoid? coral
Thamnoporoid coral
Pseudamplexus? sp.
cf. Tabularia sp.
cf. Salairophyllum sp.
74ACn1491 (9392-SD) , Craig , Limey mudstone and feldspathic, lithic wacke with abundant CONCHIDIUM and ATRYPELLA. NE 1/4 SE 1/4 sec. 35, T. 69 S., R. 80 E. (description from Oliver E&R report of 1/27/75)
Salairophyllum sp.
74ACn1531 (9393-SD) , Craig , SW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 3, T. 70 S., R. 80 E. Lat. 55 deg. 49.5 min. N., Long. 133 3.3 min. W. [Transmittal sheet of Churkin also states: "Well bedded limestone with Amphipora"]
Amphiporoid stromatoporoid
74ACn1441 (9394-SD) , Craig , NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 27, R. 8 E., T. 70 S., Lat. 55 deg. 46.3 min. N., Long. 132 deg. 59.0 min. W. [Transmittal sheet of Churkin also states: "Limestone interlayered with limey mudstone"] [Note by R.B. Blodgett: E&R report erronously gave long. of 133 deg., when 132 deg. is obviously what was meant according to the other coordinates given (twp. & range, sec.)]
Favosites sp.
Heliolites sp.
Hedstroemophyllum? sp. cf. H. sp. H of Merriam ms. pl. 3
74ACn1511 (9395-SD) , Craig , NE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 10, T. 10 N., R. 80 E., Lat. 55 deg. 48.7 min. N., Long. 133 deg. 7.1 min. W.
Alveolites sp.
Cladopora sp.
Acanthophyllum sp.
cf. A. sp.
Tryplasmatud (phaceloid)
Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Australophyllum sp. b of Merriam ms.