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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Mid-Permian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods
Quadrangle or area: Nabesna A-3, A-4, B-4, B-5
Shipment No.: A-68-12
Referred by: Richter, Donald H.
Report prepared by: Grant, Richard E.
Date: 01/08/1970

SUPPLEMENT To report to D.H. Richter dated 12/5/69.

In curating the samples and separating out those to be sent for identification of the corals, Harold Saunders noted that some of those without brachiopods were not mentioned. This supplement is in the interest of accounting to Mr. Richter for all the samples submitted. Most of these have nothing identifiale, and will be returned as requested on the transmittal sheet.

Harold also noted that the report compare a Neospirifer in sample 23880 with one in 23875, but that the list for 23875 omits that genus. This is an oversight; Neospirifer is present in 23875, and should be added to the list.

User Note module to be added
68-ARh-44 , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 22.3'N.; Long. 142 deg. 46.5'W. Elev. 5000 feet in SW1/4 sec. 23, R. 14 E., T. 7 N. From 6" bioclastic limestone bed in argillite sequence.(description from Grant E&R report of 12/5/69) [Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 22.3'N.; Long. 142 deg. 45.6'W. Elev. 500 feet in SW1/4 sec. 23, R. 14 E., T. 7 N. (description from Grant E&R report of 1/8/70)]
Bryozoans undetermined (not corals as reported)
68-AMn-73 , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 21.8'N.; Long. 142 deg. 40.5'W. Elev. 5000 feet in NW1/4 sec. 29, R. 15 E., T. 7 N.
Crinoid columnals undetermined
68-AMn-322 , Nabesna , Nabesna A-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 10.6'N.; Long. 142 deg. 31.1'W. Elev. 7200 feet in NW1/4 sec. 31, R. 16 E., T. 5 N. From massive bioclastic limestone.
Bryozoans undetermined
Crinoid columnals
68ACk14R (23879-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna A-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 11.0'N.; Long 142 deg. 45.6'W. Elev. 6900 feet in SE1/4 sec. 26, R. 14 E., T. 5 N. (description from Grant E&R report of 1/8/70) [Nabesna A-4 quad., lat. 62 deg. 11.0' N., long 142 deg. 45.6' W., elev 6900'. SE1/4 sec. 26, T. 5 N., R. 14 E. From massive recrystallized limestone. (from Rowett, 1975, USGS Prof. Paper 823-D, p. 72)]
solitary corals, to be sent to Armstrong for identification
68-ARh-32a (23875-PC) , Nabesna , Nabesna B-4 quad. Lat. 62 deg. 22.7'N; Long. 142 deg. 44.3'W. Elev. 4800 feet in NW 1/4 sec. 24, R. 14 E., T. 7 N. From dirty bioclastic thin limestone at base of marine sedimentary sequence.