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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Permian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, bryozoans
Quadrangle or area: Taylor Mountains, Bethel, Goodnews Bay Quads., SW Alaska
Shipment No.: A-70-14
Referred by: Hoare, Joseph M.
Report prepared by: Grant, Richard E.
Date: 12/31/1970

The samples with identifiable brachiopods indicate ages in the middle part of the Permian. Unfortunately there is no way now to recognize possible subtle differences in relative ages among these very small faunas. In some we do well to recognize them as Late Paleozoic. This doesn't help in deciphering the local stratigraphic sequence, but at least the mid Permian age (Kazanian or Word equivalent) can be cited with confidence.

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
The Permian rocks are highly deformed and we have a poor understanding of the stratigraphic sequence. Hopefully, the fossils will give some help on what is high in the section and what is low.

User Note module to be added
70AHr2 , Taylor Mts , Taylor Mtns. A-8 quad., T. 2 S., R. 55 W., sec. 10. In gully 1/4 mile east triangulation point "Tuli", in calcareous zones in slaty siltstone and argillite. Sparse small external shell imprints. These rocks probably overlie gabbro exposed at "Tuli".
possibly Pecten
70ACo7 , Taylor Mts , Same locality [as 70AHr2] except 400-600 yds farther south up gully. One small shell imprint.
70ACo6 (23433-PC) , Taylor Mts , Same locality [as 70ACo7] except 200 yds north and 200 to 300 feet below triangulation point "Tuli". Fossils occur in limestone about 75' thick. Lower 30' of limestone contains several 3" chart beds and is essentially a limey gait with chert pebbles, many brachiopods and a few solitary corals. Upper part of limestone is relatively clean with few fossils. Limestone overlies argillite and gabbro and underlies calcareous graywacke and graywacke conglomerate.
Spiriferella cf. S. keilhavi (Buch)
Spiriferid indet. (Neospirifer?)
70AHr21 (23434-PC) , Goodnews Bay , Goodnews Bay 1:250,000 quad., lat. about 59 deg. 59.5', long. 159 deg. 14'. Top of limestone-capped ridge south of Shadow Bay at head of Lake Chauekuktuli. Limestone is fine-grained in beds 2"-10" thick-numerous buff-colored chert beds and lenses. Limestone in fault contact with 100' + pillow lava to west. Fossils, chiefly brachiopods come from upper part of limestone which is at least 150' thick.
Cleiothyridina sp.
Horridonia sp.
Neospirifer? sp.
Spiriferella cf. S. keilhavi (Buch)
Clam indet.
Crinoid columnals
70ACo4B (23435-PC) , Goodnews Bay , Location essentially same as collection 70AHr21 in face of east-facing cirque on S. E. side of the limestone-capped ridge. Limestone dips gently westward, is unconformable on or is faulted on to highly deformed interbedded chert and limestone. Fossils are chiefly brachiopods and solitery corals from lower 50' of the limestone. Collections Co4B and Hr21 probably come from same place as coll-8008 collected by J. B. Mertie in 1935 ref. USGS Bull. 903, p. 44.
Bathymyonia sp.
Composita? sp.
Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wiman)
Silicified corals, sponge?
Paeckelmanella sp.
Spiriferella sp.
Stepanoviella sp.
Yakovlevia sp.
70ACo65 , Bethel , On narrow crest of a N. W. trending ridge about 5 miles south of upper Upnuk Lake. Sparse fossils occur in 20' bed of dirty slaty limestone interbedded with slaty argillite. Fossils include poorly preserved brachiopods and gastropods.; [Lat. 60.3127, Long. 159.1295, limestone in black argillite (description from Karl et al., 2011)]
70AHr28 , Taylor Mts , On a short steep spur ridge about 1/4 mile east of crest of the main N.S. ridge. Fossils occur in calcareous slaty siltstone which overlies a conspicuous 40' bed of highly calcareous cross-bedded grit. The slaty siltstone is about 50' thick. It contains numerous fine-ribbed brachiopods and a few solitary corals and gastropods.
productids indet.
Linoproductid indet.
Spiriferella? sp.
Crinoid columnals
Coral (internal mold)
70AHr32B , Taylor Mts , (the list says 32A, the sample is labeled 32B - note by Grant). Crest of ridge. Rock is slaty dark argillite intruded by or interbedded with gabbroic rock. A little fine-grained dark-gray limestone. Found 2 small gastropods(?) and few prismatic shell fragments.
Gastropod undet.
70AHr33 , Taylor Mts , On S. W. side of south end of main ridge, N of small lake. Rubble derived from a large exposure near top and on S. W. side of the ridge. Rock is slaty mudstone and graywacke which is interbedded with mafic flows and highly calcareous graywacke grit. Fossils consist of fine and coarse-ribbed brachiopods, solitary corals and a few large pelecypod molds.
Linoproductid (Cancrinella?)
Productids indet. (casts and molds)