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Memo: Marine mammals sent to Remington Kellogg from the Yakataga District by Don Miller in 1951 and 1954
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Stratigraphic range: Cenozoic
Kinds of fossils: Marine mammals
Quadrangle or area: , Yakataga District
Shipment No.: none given
Referred by: Plafker, George
Report prepared by: Repenning, Charles A.
Date: 11/29/1965

I recently saw the collections of marine mammals from the Yakataga District, Alaska, that Don Miller sent to Dr. Kellogg. I recalled that some or all of the this report was not reported on by Dr. Kellog and that you were interested to know what was represented. The material is generally in poor shape and unprepared but the following identifications were possible from a very brief examination:


The material from other localities submitted by Miller did not appear, in brief examination, to be identifiable. Should you find that the molluscan fauna of localities 54-Sn-65A and 54-Sn-217 is not consistent with the a middle to late Miocene age, I would appreciate knowing the details.

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54Sn65A , Bering Glacier , None given in memorandum of Repenning, dated Nov. 29, 1965
Desmostylian, probably Desmostylus
54Sn217 , Bering Glacier , None given in memorandum of Repenning, dated Nov. 29, 1965
Desmostylian, probably Desmostylus
51AMr33 , Bering Glacier , None given in memorandum of Repenning, dated Nov. 29, 1965
51AMr41 , Bering Glacier , None given in memorandum of Repenning, dated Nov. 29, 1965