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Authors: Fryda, Jiri , Blodgett, Robert B.
Date: /2004
Title: New Emsian (late Early Devonian) gastropods from Limestone Mountain, Medfra B-4 quadrangle, west-central Alaska (Farewell terrane), and their paleobiogeographic affinities and evolutionary significance
78 , 1 , 111-132 , 13 figures
Host: Journal of Paleontology :
Document Type: Article\Abst.\Chapter\report
83RB9 , Medfra , 1.5 m thick, silified, richly fossiliferous rubble zone in an an unnamed Devonian limestone unit on the south flank of Limestone Mountain. Horizon is 13.-7-15.2 m above the base of a carbonate sequence that is at least 100 m thick. SW1/4 NE1/4 sec. 26, T26S, R23E, Medfra B-4 quadrangle. Latitude: 63 deg. 16'01" N; Longitude: 154 deg. 32'44" W. Blodgett and Rohr (1989) Fig. 1 and Fryda and Blodgett (2004) Fig. 1 shows location.
Quadricarina (Quadricarina?) noklebergi new species
Balbinipleura krawczynskii new species
Arctozone cooki new species
Decorospira lepaini new species
Decorospira? minutula new species
Alaskiella medfraensis Fryda and Blodgett, 1998
Alaskacirrus bandeli Fryda and Blodgett, 1998
Farewellia heidelbergerae new species
Palaeozygopleura (Rhenozyga) reifenstuhli new species
Medfrazyga clauticae new species
Nanochilina gubanovi new species
Kuskokwimia moorei Fryda and Blodgett, 2001