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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Triassic
Kinds of fossils: Marine invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Bostwick Inlet, Gravina Island, Alaska
Shipment No.: A-69-24M
Referred by: Berg, Henry C.
Report prepared by: Silberling, Norman J.
Date: 11/17/1969

This report concerns the shelly faunas collected by Berg and Jones in 1969 and by Berg in 1968 from Bostwick Inlet, Gravina Island.

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69ABg130F (USGS Mesozoic loc. M5909) , Ketchikan , Pelecypod- and ammonite-bearing, dark olive-weathering silty limestone interbedded with coarse andesite- and limestone-clast volcanic breccia. Many of the limestone clasts contain fossils like those in the limestone beds, which are thin and discontinuous. Southwest shore of Bostwick Inlet, essentially at entrance.
Placites sp.
Minetrigonia cf. M. cairnesi (McLearn)
Palaeopharus cf. P. buriji Kiparisova
undet. pectenacid pelecypod
undet. ornate gastropod
69ABg131F (USGS Mesozoic loc. M5909) , Ketchikan , Virtually identical to 69ABg130F. Occurrence is 200 feet southeast of 130F.
Cycloceltites cf. C. arduini (Mojsisovics)
Cassianella sp.
Plicatula cf. P. perimbricata Gabb
Pinna sp.
Gervilleia sp.
Goniomya? sp.
undet. nuculid, pectenacid, and other pelecypods
Unnumbered 1968 collection (shipment: A-69-24M) , Ketchikan
Arcestes sp.
?Halorites sp.
Plicatula cf. P. perimbricata Gabb
Septocardia? sp.
Minetrigonia sp.
undet. pectenacid pelecypod