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Stratigraphic range: Jurassic and Cretaceous
Kinds of fossils: Mollusks
Quadrangle or area: , Alaska
Shipment No.: A-77-22M
Referred by: Detterman, Robert L.
Report prepared by: Jones, David L. , Miller, John W.
Date: 05/26/1977

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75ADT37 (Mesozoic loc. MF2908, M6715) , Chandler Lake , May Creek. 2.5 miles S. 55 deg. W. of peak 3810; coquinoid limestone in black manganiferous shale and siltstone near base of formation. [ Sliter reported Neocomian forams from dark pebble shale and siltstone - NZ]
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
75ADt45 (Mesozoic Mf2897, M6706) , Philip Smith Mts , East of Lupine River; 10 miles S. 70 deg. E. of VABM Nirk, silty clay shale.
Indeterminable bivalve
75ADt29f (Mesozoic loc. M6701) , Philip Smith Mts , Bluff east of Sagavanirktok River opposit Pump Station #3; 2.4 miles N 22 degs. E of mouth of Ribdon River; thin-bedded micaceous sandstone and siltstone, x-bedded with load casts.
Camptonectes sp.
Inoceramus cf. I. altifluminis
Paragastroplites flexicostatus Imlay
75ADt40 (Mesozoic loc. M6702) , Chandler Lake , West bank of May Creek, 2 miles N. 50 degs. W. of Arc Mtn.; dark, fine-grained, medium-bedded sandstone just below contact with Chandler Fm.
Ditrupa cornu Imlay
Camptonectes dettermani Imlay
Dicranodonta dowlingi McLearn
Isognomon sp.
Pleuromya sikanni McLearn
Solecurtus chapmani Imlay
Tancredia sp.
Gastroplites sp.
75ADt44f (Mesozoic loc. M6703) , Philip Smith Mts , Ridge east of Lupine River; 10 miles S. 75 deg. E. of VABM Nirk. Interbedded sandstone and siltstone, dark, micaceous, x-bedded, flute casts; position unknown.
Inoceramus sp.
75ADt46 (Mesozoic loc. M6704) , Philip Smith Mts , Ridge east of Lupine River; 1.6 miles N. 38 deg. W. of 75ADt44f; micaceous sandstone and siltstone, position unknown.
Inoceramus anglicus Woods
75ADt12f (Mesozoic loc. M6707) , Philip Smith Mts , North of Atigun Gorge; 2.5 mile N. 52 deg. E. of north end Galbraith Lake; medium-bedded graywacke with lenses of conglomerate 4,200 feet above base.
Dicranodonta sp.
Tancredia sp.
75ADt12Af (Mesozoic loc. M6708) , Philip Smith Mts , [Jones and Miller list it as 75-ADt-12a, but Detterman listed it as 75ADt12Af in the transmittle sheet- NZ] Same locality as 75ADt12f, about 25 feet higher in section.
Thracia sp.
75ADt13f (Mesozoic loc. M6709) , Philip Smith Mts , [Jones and Miller list it as 75-ADt-13, but Detterman listed it as 75ADt13f in the transmittle sheet- NZ] Same locality as 75ADt12f, about .5 miles south of 75ADt12f, graywacke interbeds in massive conglomerate 2,800 feet above base of Fm.
75ADt14f (Mesozoic loc. M6710) , Philip Smith Mts , Ridge north of Atigun Gorge, 4.5 miles N. 25 deg. E. of north end Galbraith Lake; medium-bedded graywacke with few pebbles, position unknown.
Indeterminable bivalves
75ADt11 (Mesozoic loc. M6711) , Philip Smith Mts , Mountain southeast of Elusive Lake; 2 miles S. 53 deg. E. of outlet of Elusive Lake; coquina layer in limestone interbedded in silstone-graywacke section; rhythmically bedded.
75ADt71 (Mesozoic loc. M6712) , Philip Smith Mts , Ridge west of Accomplishment Creek; 11.2 miles S. 50 deg. E. of mouth of Accomplishment Creek; coquinoid limestone in chert, siltstone, manganiferous shale sequence, Kongakut Fm.-Okikruak Fm.
Buchia sp.
75ADt72 (Mesozoic loc. M6713) , Philip Smith Mts , Ridge west of Accomplishment Creek; .8 miles S. 48 deg W. of previous station [75ADt71]; coquinoid limestone in chert, siltstone, manganiferous shale sequence, Kongakut Fm.-Okikruak Fm.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
75ADt78 plus 120 feet (Mesozoic loc. M6714) , Philip Smith Mts , Atigun Gorge, north side, 5.6 miles N. 65 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake, silty mudstone with pebbles, 120 feet below top of formation, Okpikruak Fm.
Panope? sp.
Pleuromya sp.
75ARr59A (Mesozoic loc. 6716) , Philip Smith Mts , Ridge west of Accomplishment Creek, 5.6 miles S. 6 deg. E. of west end Elusive Lake, position unknown.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
75ARr148 (Mesozoic loc. 6717) , Philip Smith Mts , Antigun Gorge, 6.8 miles N. 65 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake, coquina in siltstone sequence - position unknown.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling
75ARr156A (Mesozoic loc. 6718) , Philip Smith Mts , Antigun Gorge - north side, 4.4 miles N. 70 deg. E. of outlet of Galbraith Lake outlet, coquina in shale.
Buchia sublaevis Keyserling