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Letter from Silberling to Richter
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Shipment No.: A-71-8M
Referred by: Richter, Donald H.
Report prepared by: Silberling, Norman J.
Date: 11/17/1971

Mr. Donald H. Richter
c/o Alaska Mineral Resources Branch
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, California

Dear Mr. Richter:

Your identification of Daonella in your 1971 collections from the Nabesna quad is correct. Both 71-ARh-131 and 71-PCL-305 contain D. degeeri Bohm. This is a better name for the “mid” Ladinian (upper Middle Triassic) species that occurs just beneath the Nikolai Greenstone in the McCarthy C-4 quad. And was referred to D. cf. subquadrata on the GQ Map by Mackeveet (1970).

In collection 71-ARh-151, D. frami Kittl is represented in addition to D. degeeri; the age interpretation is, of course, the same.

Representative specimens from these collections have been added to the reference collections of the P&S Branch in Menlo Park, and the remaining scraps of matrix have been returned to the Alaskan Branch.

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71-ARh-131 , Nabesna
Daonella degeeri Bohm
71-ARh-151 , Nabesna
Daonella degeeri Bohm
Daonella frami Kittl
71-PCL-305 , Nabesna
Daonella degeeri Bohm