Sample: Sample No. 76ADt147 -- USGS No. Mesozoic loc. 31267
Locality: Field No. 76ADt147
Description: Rust weathering limy sandstone in fault contact with Dillinger Group to the west. Elev. 3520 ft., 3.5 miles N. 76o W. from Shellabarger Pass, sec. 1, T. 28 N., R. 20 W., Lat. 62o 32 min. 27 sec. N., long. 152o 52 min. 55 sec. W., Talkeetna (C-6) quad., south-central Alaska.
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Talkeetna C-6
Township&Range: T28N R20W Section: Sec.1
Lat.: 62o32'27 " Long.: 152o52'55 "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1976 (11/09)
The fossils at Mesozoic locality 31270 (76AR17) are definitely early Sinemurian as shown by the presence of arietitid ammonites resembling Coroniceras. Locality 31272 (76AR13C) is definitely Early Jurassic as shown by the presence of Weyla. Locality 31267 (76ADt147) contains a species of Gryphaea that resembles G. rockymontana Warren from beds of Sinemurian age in the Fernie Formation of British Columbia and Alberta. The abundance of brachiopods at localities 31267 (76ADt147), 31269 (76AR16A) and 31271 (76AR13B) favors an Early Jurassic age, although brachiopods have been found rather uncommonly in the Middle Jurassic of Alaska. The collections at the remaining localities are too fragmentary for an age determination.

The ariertitid ammonites at locality 31270 (76AR17) greatly resemble those at locality 30908 (75AR39) in the Talkeetna (C-6) quad. The oyster at locality 30907 (75AR38A) that I referred to Ostrea is now assigned to Gryphaea cf. G. rockymontana Warren.

[Note by R.B. Blodgett: the report was dated as 1986, an obvious typing mistake as it was received and stamped by the Alaskan Geol. Br. in Menlo Park on March 15, 1976]

Report by: Ralph W. Imlay
Referred by: Bruce Reed
Age: Sinemurian
Comment:Locality 31267 (76ADt147) contains a species of Gryphaea that resembles G. rockymontana Warren from beds of Sinemurian age in the Fernie Formation of British Columbia and Alberta.

The abundance of brachiopods at localities 31267 (76ADt147), 31269 (76AR16A) and 31271 (76AR13B) favors an Early Jurassic age, although brachiopods have been found rather uncommonly in the Middle Jurassic of Alaska.

No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Ammonoids Ammonite fragment
2 Bivalves Entolium? sp.
3 Bivalves Gryphaea cf. G. rockymontana Warren
4 Bivalves Eopecten? sp.
5 Brachiopods Rhynchonellid brachiopods
6 Brachiopods Terebratulid brachiopods