Sample: Sample No. 71ADt283 (unit 3+ 70 ft.) -- USGS No. 23452-PC
Locality: Field No. 71ADt283 (unit 3+ 70 ft.)
Description: Ridge west of Aichilik River, 0.1 mile south of VABM Atte; Lat. 69o 29'30" N., long. 143o 07' W.; massive quartzite 175 feet below base of Triassic.
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Demarcation Point B-4
Lat.: 69o29'30 " Long.: 143o07' "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1972 (02/17)

All 18 collections reported on here are of Permian age and supplement the reports of last year (A-70-10, A-70-20, A-70-22) on the faunas of the Sadlerochit Formation.

With the publication of the Bamber and Waterhouse paper on the Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphy in northern Yukon (1971), we now have a chance for comparison with those faunas. My earlier suggestion, that the more southern belts of Sadlerochit might have older faunas in the lower part of the formation, seems to be born out by this year’s analysis.

Of special interest in this regard are the collections from stations 303, 318 and 348. As station 303, the collection from 65 ft. above the base may be correlated with Waterhouse Zone Ea which he calls lower Permian (Sakmarian). The collections from 265-350 ft. are possibly some part of Zone F (Artinskian to Ufimian). At station 318, collections from units F, G, and H may also be of Waterhouse Zone F age. No Zone G was definitely recognized in these two sections. At station 348, unit 4 (350-375 ft.) represents the characteristic Zone G that is found in the lower part of the Echooka along the northern belt and as far south as the section at the forks of the Aichillik. As noted last year, this fauna is at 175-202 ft. at station 202.

Other collections that are Zone G (previously called the “lower Echooka fauna”) are: 284 (unit 2), 327 and, possibly, 283 (unit 3+70’), 290 (units 2, 3), and 296 (unit 1).

Verification of these zonal correlations awaits detailed taxonomic restudy of all the available collections, but the suggestion that earlier assemblages are present at the latitude of the upper Kongakut is worth consideration in any regional stratigraphic reconstruction. One implication of this analysis is that the lower, fine-grained part of the sequence along Joe Creek and nearby areas may be a lateral equivalent of part of the Siksikpuk Formation. It is of interest to note that a similar occurrence of zones is recorded by Bamber and Waterhouse from the northern Richardson Mts. Sections (Fig. 10 in their paper).

In this report, the megousid species are listed as Kuvelousia, as is probable from Waterhouse’s new taxonomy, and Yakovlevia is used rather than Muirwoodia. The F and G zones of Waterhouse collectively compose what I have earlier called the “Arctic Permian faunas.”

Report by: J. Thomas Dutro , Jr.
Referred by: Robert L. Detterman
Age: No Data
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Brachiopods Chonetina?
2 Brachiopods Liosotella?
3 Brachiopods productoid, indet.
4 Brachiopods stenoscismid, indet.
5 Brachiopods Spiriferella sp.