Sample: Sample No. 63ATr334 -- USGS No. 19771-PC
Locality: Field No. 63ATr334
Description: Point Hope quad., lat. 68o 24'24" N., long. 165o 57'30" W., South bank of Kukpuk River about 1/2 mile west of unnamed tributary of Kukpuk. Collector: I.L. Tailleur, 1963. (description from Dutro E&R report of 6/27/68; Shipment A-63-30) [Note by R.B. Blodgett: Tailleur's inset map attached to his transmittal sheet indicates that this locality is situated on the south bank of Kukpuk River, less than 1/2 mile west of Iglupak Creek (unnamed creek referred to in E&R report), roughly opposite of where Kugirarok River joins the Kukpuk]
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Point Hope B-2
Lat.: 68o24'24 " Long.: 165o57'30 "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1968 (05/27)
Report by: J. Thomas Dutro , Jr.
Referred by: Irv L. Tailleur
Age: Early Mississippian (suggestive of a late Early Mississippian age)
Comment:This is definitely a Mississippian assemblage and, on the basis of Leptagonia and spiriferoids, I would suggest that it is late Early Mississippian. However, both Leptagonia and Brachythyris extend into the Visean in many parts of the world and an early Late Mississippian (Meramec) age can not be ruled out.
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Echinoderms echinoderm debris, indet.
2 Bryozoans fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
3 Brachiopods strophomenoid brachiopod, indet.
4 Brachiopods Leptagonia cf. L. analoga (Phillips)
5 Brachiopods rhynchonellid brachiopod, indet.
6 Brachiopods Camarotoechia? sp.
7 Brachiopods Marginatia? sp.
8 Brachiopods Ovatia sp.
9 Brachiopods dictyoclostid brachiopods, indet.
10 Brachiopods Spirifer sp.
11 Brachiopods Anthracospirifer? sp.
12 Brachiopods Brachythyris sp.
13 Brachiopods Composita sp.
14 Brachiopods Torynifer sp.
15 Brachiopods Cleiothyridina? sp.
16 Bivalves pectinoid pelecypod, indet.
17 Bivalves pelecypod fragments, indet.