Reference Detail of

Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Devonian
Kinds of fossils: Corals and stromatoporoids
Quadrangle or area: Wiseman Quad.
Shipment No.: A-82-4
Referred by: Dillon, John T.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr. , Oliver, William A., Jr.
Date: 04/27/1982

Referred by John Dillon (for W.P. Brosge); Report prepared by J. T. Dutro, Jr. (in consult. w/W.A. Oliver)

This report covers 12 collections from the Sheep Creek area of the Wiseman quadrangle. All the collections are recrystallized to some degree and several contain no identifiable organic material. Only two of the collections contain readily identifiable coralline material, and one of these (77Mn10) is almost certainly early Late Devonian (Frasnian). A second collection (77Mn12) is definitely Middle or early Late Devonian and may well be the same age as 77Mn10. Five of the collections (78Dn32, 78Dn156, 78Dn160, 78Dn172 and 78Dn146) contain no recognizable organic remains. Two others (78Dn95 and 78 Dn146) are recrstallized and marmorized, but may contain very poorly preserved layered stromatoporoids. The other 3 collections (78Pe70, 78Dn77, and 78Dn78) contain recrystallized, but recognizable, fossils and may well be of early Late Devonian age, similar to 77Mn10 and 12. All the better collections come from a single outcrop belt stretching northeast from VABM Allen to St. Louis Creek on the north side of the Allen River. This is the same area from which we have several Frasnian age collections, made in previous years. Please send precise stratigraphic and locality data for these collections, so that they may be added to the Survey reference material. Numbered collections are being retained.

User Note module to be added
77Mn10 (10477-SD) , Wiseman
Aulopora? sp.
Thamnopora? sp.
Alveolites? sp.
Peneckiella? sp.
77Mn12 (10478-SD) , Wiseman
Aulopora? sp.
Cladopora? sp.
Thamnopora? sp.
Thamnophyllum? sp. ....
.... or Peneckiella? sp.
Stromatoporoids, indeterminate
78Pe70 (10479-SD) , Wiseman
Amphipora? sp.
78Dn32 , Wiseman
78Dn77 (10480-SD) , Wiseman
Amphipora sp.
Cladopora? sp.
large echinoderm columnals
Stromatoporoids, indeterminate
78Dn78 (10481-SD) , Wiseman
Thamnopora? sp.
Cladopora? sp.
78Dn95 , Wiseman
78Dn146 , Wiseman
78Dn156 , Wiseman
78Dn160 , Wiseman
78Dn172 , Yakutat
78Dn180 , Wiseman